We did more laps and then he put us into teams for practice play.

To my surprise, he put me on as quarterback for the second string team. I'd signed a waver already so if I was injured, it wasn't the school's fault. I wasn't worried about that though. It was the other guys who better watch out.

I just wanted to win.

I huddled with my team and called out a play. I'd done my homework before coming here. And I'd hung on the coach's every word.

I made eye contact with all the guys. They barely knew me, but when they met my eyes, I saw the beginnings of respect. We broke and took our positions.

And took half the field before the first string team brought us down.

They looked pissed as we began again.

This time the guys on my side were looking at me with a hell of a lot more respect. It was a little bit of hope. Sure, it might be one big team, but the second stringers definitely wanted to knock the big guys dicks in the dirt once in a while.

So we did.

We scored a touchdown.

The couch ended the skirmish a half an hour later. He pulled me aside as the team started to head into the locker rooms. I knew I wasn't getting cut. But the look on the coach's face was not pleasure.

He looked aggravated.

Actually, from what I could see, he always looked aggravated.

"We have a problem here son. You see, I already have a starter. But you just blew him out of the water."

Coach looked at me.

"Don't repeat that."

"No, sir."

He exhaled. Then he shook his head.

"I can't put you on to start."

He cut me off before I could protest. Not that I was going to. I was a freshman, even though I knew I was good, I didn't expect to start.

"I can not put an untried athlete on to start. But you will get field time. I promise you that. If you keep this up, you will be starting by next year, if not sooner."

He eyed me assessingly.

"I'd like to have you over for dinner, son. I want to get to know the guy whose going to be running my team for the next four years."

I smiled.

"I would be honored, sir."

"Great. Get cleaned up and I will give you a ride."

He slapped my shoulder as we headed into the locker rooms.

"Fair warning though. Don't even think about hitting on my daughter."

"No worries coach, I already have a girl."

It wasn't a lie exactly. I would have a girlfriend soon. Just as soon as I tracked her hot little ass down and gave her a talking to.

Yeah, I had a girl alright.

Belinda was mine.


I wiped my hand over my forehead as I stirred the mashed potatoes. There was a smaller pot to the side with a vegan version. Mine was coconut milk and potatoes. Lots of salt. Cream of tartar and onion powder.

The smell of roasting chicken wafted out of the stove beneath me and my mouth watered. I might not eat meat, but I still thought it smelled good sometimes. It was just one of those weird things.

Dad argued that it meant my body craved meat. He never stopped trying to get me to eat it, even though I'd been vegan since I was twelve. Ever since Bets had told me where meat comes from. She'd described the horror of the factory farming process in detail. I'd stopped eating meat and dairy that very day.

It was the one thing I stood my ground on with him.

Every other fight we'd ever had, he'd won.

Like the rule about dating...

I sighed, thinking of Kyle. I had messed up there. Not only had I gone way too fast, but then I'd run out on him. I was sure he hated me. If he even remembered me.

A guy like that, he had to have women coming out of the walls.

As first times went though, I knew I'd been lucky other than the whole birth control oops. He'd shown me things, and given me pleasure. According to Bets, that was less common than you might think. Her last boyfriend Steve had never even cared if she finished. He'd roll over and snore and she'd take care of herself with one of her many 'tools'.

Betsy had a lot of tools.

I blushed, remembering how Kyle had kissed me between my legs. Not even kissing. He'd gone wild, eating me like a wild animal devours its prey.

Only it hadn't hurt.

Not at all...

"You're overheating dear. I can take over. Why don't you set the table."

"Okay mom."

Thankfully she didn't know why my face was red. If she did, she might faint. Her precious little girl, doing all sorts of perverse things with a guy she barely knew. I had to stop thinking about him. I had to.

Get it together Belinda.

"Get an extra setting."

I looked at her over my shoulder.


"Dad's bringing home a new player for dinner."


"Yep, a walk-on. Dad says he'd got talent coming out of his ears. A real star."

I heard the car pull in as I was laying out the cutlery. As usual, I spent some time trying to make an ornate napkin fold to lay on the plates. As usual, it seemed to sag in the middle.

It's a good thing I had no interest in waiting tables.

I was in the middle of folding the last setting when the front door opened. I walked up behind mom to greet my father. He expected that. And I didn't mind.