Forever Hunted: Forever Bluegrass #9

“You’ve been in my lab?” Piper asked, her voice cracking with fear.

“I’m giving you one last civil opportunity. Take it. I’ll purchase your notes and samples for ten million dollars.”

Panic shot through her. In the wrong hands . . . “No. And never call me again.”

“A door never closes without a window opening, Dr. Davies. Goodbye. For now.”

Piper was shaking as the call disconnected. Someone had broken into her lab looking for the disaster project. Someone had been calling her every couple of months too. This someone. And then there were the anonymous notes.

Piper shivered. All she thought about was the need to be around her friends and family. She needed to feel safe. First thing in the morning, she’d have Nash and Nabi set up more security at her lab and at the Keeneston lab no one knew about except her father—the lab where her project had been relocated when she discovered its danger.

As Piper turned to shove her way back inside, she was so upset she didn’t notice the panties on the ground. Instead, her mind was made up. She either had to find a way to fix her work or destroy it for good.

* * *

The End

Kathleen Brooks's books