Fire Falling

His body tilted and twisted over the pockets of air she tried to create beneath him. There were too many unpredictable factors, she wasn’t strong enough, and she wasn’t skilled enough to stop a body like this. Panic propelled her to exhaust the last of her magic trying to slow him.

His hand groped at the air. Vhalla extended her arm, she had to reach him. The tips of her fingers touched his and Vhalla felt her body magically beginning to slow, the wind refusing to harm her. Aldrik stared at her, and she saw an emotion completely consume him that she had never seen from him before: fear. Vhalla’s arm threatened to rip from her socket, his hand was so close. She almost had him, a moment more, a moment further, an ounce of energy that was not used to push the wind around her and him. The ground was relentless in its desire to violently meet their falling bodies, and she only had one last attempt before they were crushed upon it.

Vhalla took her chance.

She grasped the empty air, his fingers slipping past her bloody ones, and she screamed. The last thing Vhalla saw was the moment when Aldrik’s body met the ground, blood pooling instantly about his broken and lifeless form, before everything went black.


A woman awoken in air, a soldier forged by fire, a weapon risen from blood.

Vhalla Yarl has made it to the warfront in the North. Forged by blood and fire, she has steeled her heart for the final battle of the Solaris Empire’s conquest. The choices before Vhalla are no longer servitude or freedom, they are servitude or death. The stakes have never been higher as the Emperor maintains his iron grip on her fate, holding everything Vhalla still has left to lose in the balance.

MY COVER ARTIST, Merilliza Chan—I have to start with you, my dear, my “official fan art” creator. Your artwork for the Air Awakens covers continues to get better, time after time. The noises I made when seeing the final Fire Falling cover were inhuman. That armor? Aldrik’s face? It’s too beautiful. You inspire me to write better to make sure that the story I’m crafting lives up to the promises your artwork makes.

My editor, Monica Wanat—where would I be without you? With way too many “he said/she said”, that’s where! I can’t tell you how many times I’d point excitedly at the screen and think, “Yes, yes! This is what I meant!” You’re right there in my head and really elevate my work to a level of polished professionalism that I couldn’t achieve without you. I know you’ve had a lot going on lately and I want you to know I have such a deep admiration for your perseverance.

Katie—I hope you truly understand how influential you are to everything Air Awakens has become. If I didn’t have you to bounce ideas off and talk through things, I’m not sure what I’d do.

My betas, Nick, Dani, and Jamie—your contributions, viewpoints, opinions, and counterpoints really help me craft such a tight story. Thank you for taking the time to work with me, challenge me, and deal with all the times I’m freaking out thinking all the words are wrong.

My sister, Meredith—I don’t think I can express exactly how important your excitement has been for me. It’s pulled me out of the monotony of writing and editing and reminded me to be excited about this process. To be proud of what I’ve accomplished and really enjoy the steps of this journey. No matter how near or far we may be physically, you’ll always be an essential piece to my life.

My mentor, Michelle Madow, author of the Secret Diamond Sisters and the Transcend Time Saga—you are so talented and wonderful. You’ve helped me go from unorganized ideas to a “real author.” I’m so excited to read what you have coming out next! Thank you for including me in your world and giving me guidance.

Rob and the Gatekeeper Press team—you all have been absolutely amazing. The work you’ve put in, all your help, your insights, professionalism, how available you’ve been to me, it’s an honor to work with you. You make things happen that I frankly could not on my own and I’m so glad I decided to work with you. I know I can be demanding at times, but I hope—I like to think—that we push each other to be better.

My Street Team—thank you for helping promote, love, and breathe life into Air Awakens. I love talking with you all, and I’m so glad you’re with me on this journey. Each of you has done your part and more and I can only hope I continue to give you great stories to enjoy.

Jeffkun—thank you for not only tolerating this path I’m on but supporting it. When most brides are freaking out about centerpieces, I was freaking out about publication deadlines, and you just rolled with it. I can’t do this thing called life without you.

The AAAPodcast Community—I know half of you must be tired of hearing about my books by now, so it’s not lost on me how supportive you all continue to be.

My parents, Madeline and Vince—for being my biggest, unquestioning cheerleaders and the two people I know I can always count on. I love you both.