Death is Not Enough (Romantic Suspense #21)

‘Fingers and toes,’ Phil said. ‘This is a nice party, Thorne. It’s good to see the club open again.’

‘And we hung our shingle out for business at the firm two weeks ago,’ Jamie said. ‘We’ve gotten a lot of good press clearing us, so we’re getting clients. So far, so good.’

It was good. It was all good. Because everyone who mattered to Thorne was here, under this roof. For this moment in time, everyone was safe and happy. He’d take this moment and hold on to it, because it wouldn’t always be like this.

But whatever came his way, he wasn’t alone anymore. He was connected to every person in this room. Some more so than others, he thought as Gwyn shot him a look nearly giddy with joy. This was his family, and for today, everything was good.