Broken Girl

Becky Codere, “Beck”, listen, do you hear that? It’s you and me closing the cover on another book. I know I could leave this space blank, and not write one word here and you’d know exactly what it would mean. We don’t need words, my sister, my soulmate. We’ve both grown exponentially this last year with and without this story. It was a difficult road, many days where you calmed me with words that were the key pieces to the puzzle I was trying to put together. I know Rose’s story at first wasn’t appealing to you, but you stuck with me and together we created one of my favorites. I appreciate that no matter what, no matter the content of our talks, you love me with your whole heart. If I had one wish for humanity, it would be that everyone got to experience the unconditional love we have for each other. Truly, everyone should have a “Beck” in their lives. Someone who never gets spooked by what comes out of their soul-sister’s mouth. I truly love you so much and thank God every day that I have you in my life.

Gail McHugh, “G”, they say opposites attract and well, I’d have to agree. I truly believe God took one look at us, and thought to himself, “Why not?” And, in that decision and all of his miraculous brilliance he brought us together. I feel so blessed to have you in my life, beyond the book world and all the memories I’ll cherish forever, even exceeding the moments where we both learned to love unconditionally beyond our own fears. No matter if it was my reality that was bled into the pages of BROKEN GIRL or the daily posts I’d read aloud and sent your way, you showed me that friendship isn’t defined by preconceived ideas, expectations or what appears to be, but in fact defined by trust, love and understanding. There’s something magical in a friendship that has been formed and placed in God’s hands. I love you and all of our green hearts, dearly.

Mia Sheridan, my infatuation and author crush, I can’t tell you how honored I was when you agreed to help me polish BROKEN GIRL. I don’t know if you really know how much I love you! Your advice was never taken lightly, and whether I spend the rest of my life writing only one more book, or if I write hundreds, I will continue to ask for and honor your advice. And let it be known here, that I will always keep asking to read your books before the world gets them. Thank you for being such a beautiful friend and colleague.

AL Jackson, my love, the woman I look up to in all her glory. Thank you for your words of wisdom. Thank you for investing your time in me and this book. You are such an icon in the book world, and I am so fortunate to call you my friend and colleague. I can’t begin to express the gratitude I have for you. My love for you and your work will never waver.

Nichole Strauss, Perfectly Publishable, the woman who I rip open for and allow to see all the vulnerable parts of who I am. Editors are special people. They deal with crazy, emotional, angry, scared, open and closed creatives. Nikki, you’ve navigated your way through every single book I’ve published. I adore you dearly, and appreciate the gentle nudges you give me when I need them. Thank you for being such an understanding, strong and firm book mate with me.

Christine Borgford, Perfectly Publishable, the woman who keeps me looking good! I love your creativity, your passion, your attention to detail and your support. When I needed something, you were there to give it to me. I’m so blessed to have you. Thank you for being part of my process and residing in my heart! #SnoopyRules

Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Covers. Another cover down. I know I drive you insane with all the crazy I send your way. But I can’t imagine having anyone else create my covers. Your vision is so amazing, thank you for being such a giving, understanding creative. Thank you for making one of the most amazing covers ever. You truly out did yourself with BROKEN GIRL! I love and adore you.

Janett Gomez, Judith Lattin, Hannah Anderson, Jennifer Hagen, Denise Tung, Jerri Baxter, Victoria Colotta, and Mindi Lou, my proofers, the last set of eyes, who even though they’re under the gun . . . still pulled up the pieces that needed work and found the places that needed to be tied up and put away. Ladies, your help was vital to making BROKEN GIRL what it is!

Cheryl Scarborough-Wilkins, Delia Nuno and Ashley Walczak, my beta readers, your input was invaluable. Your love for my words means so much to me. I took to heart your reactions and appreciate all the love and support you’ve given me. Thank you for investing your time in my words!

Holly Malgieri, thank you for working on the beginning and investing your time. I appreciate your insight to Rose and how her intention must match her words. You don’t know how helpful that was to me.

Gretchen de la O's books