Bring the Heat (The Happy Endings Collection Book 2)


“Favorite movie?”

“Just one?”

She frowned at my question. “Yes. Think fast.”

“The Green Mile, or any movie with Tom Hanks.”

“Morning person or night person?”


“Favorite place to travel?”

“The beach.” I barely had time to think before she rolled out the next question.

“To-ma-toe or To-mah-toe?


“Name one thing that freaks you out?”

“Hair in the drain.”

That one made her giggle, and my heart nearly leapt out of my chest. I found myself wanting to hear the sound again and again.

“Do you have any friends who are women, and I mean strictly friends? No messing around … not even a single kiss.”

“Yes. One. She was my neighbor growing up. A few years younger than me, and no, we’ve never kissed—not even once.”

Each question came quickly, which would make anyone think that there was no rhyme or reason to their delivery, but I knew better. Not only was she beautiful, but she was smart, too.

“Do you leave the toilet seat up?”

“Yes, but in my defense, I live alone.”

“Okay. I’ll let that one slide.” She shook her head slightly and smiled. “Okay, scary movies? Yes or no?”

“No way.”

“Do you have any kids?”


She strummed her fingers against the end of the sofa as each question popped in her head. “Do you want to have kids?”


“Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

“Yes. I have a younger brother, Tucker, and an older brother, Colton.”

“Have you ever been heartbroken?”


“Are you close with your mother?”

“I guess so.”

With an intrigued look, she asked, “Okay … Do you call her more than once every six months?”


“Then you’re close.” She teased. Before I had a chance to respond, she asked, “Longest relationship?”

“Four years.”

She paused for a moment, letting me know she was surprised by my answer. I didn’t blame her. Four years is a long time to date without it going anywhere, but when all was said and done, we’d both realized our time together had come to an end. Grace quickly rebounded, and a spark of mischief flashed through her eyes as she continued, “Boxers or briefs?”

That’s when I knew—things were about to get interesting.