Bad Romeo Christmas: A Starcrossed Anthology (Starcrossed #4)

"Zoe," I say, acting confused. "What the hell's going on? You told me he didn't have real feelings for you."

Zoe glances at Jack. "I ... ah ... I didn't think he did."

"That's bullshit," Jack says, moving over to her. "I might not have come out and said it, but, Jesus, Zo ... you have to know that ... well, I ..."

For the first time since I met her, I see Zoe let down her guard. She's so desperate for an admission from him, she's on the verge of tears.

"You, what, Jack?" I press. "Like her? Big deal. I like my dental hygienist, but that doesn't mean I have a say in who she makes out with."

He snaps around to face me. "I more than like her, asshole, so I do get a say."

"More-than-like. Wow." I act impressed. "Well, that's different. Zoe, do you more-than-like Jack, too?"

For a moment, I worry she'll chicken out, but then she squares her shoulders and puts her arms around Jack's neck. "Yes, I more-that-like him. In fact ..." She takes a deep breath. "I'm ... in love with him."

Jack freezes for a second, shock and disbelief on his face. Then, he breaks into a blinding grin. "Seriously? You love me?"

Zoe gives him a wary look. "Yes, and if you dare make a joke out of this, Jackson Avery, I'm going to rip off your balls, and I'm not talking about those hideous slippers."

"Oh, sweetheart." Jack leans down and kisses her tenderly. "I couldn't make a joke right now if you paid me. I've been in love with you for years, you beautiful idiot. I was just waiting for you to realize you loved me back."

He kisses her again, and for the third time tonight, I feel like the epitome of a third wheel. I have no idea why people feel comfortable enough to make out in front of me, but I wish like hell they'd stop. It's bad enough I'm here without Angel. Having to witness everyone else having mouth sex is goddamn torture.

"So I guess that means you're not kissing me at midnight, then, Zoe?" She moans and grabs Jack's ass. "No? Okay, then."

I leave them behind, and when I get back out into the ballroom, Marco is on the dance floor making a speech. There's only a couple of minutes left before the countdown, and I'd like to find my friends before then.

The phone buzzes in my hand, and I breathe a sigh of relief to see Angel's name.

"Hey, beautiful," I say. "I'm so glad you called me back."

"I got your message." She doesn't sound angry anymore which I'll take as a good sign.

"Good. I'm so sorry about earlier. I was a total dick. I had no right to say those things to you."

"It's okay. I shouldn't have defended Julian so much. He is too flirty considering I have a boyfriend. And after our fight I got to thinking you were right. If a girl was all over you like that and sent you flowers, I'd want to rip her tits off."


I can hear the smile in her voice when she says, "Yeah. You're mine, and I'll fight anyone who tries to take you away from me."

"Ladies and gentlemen," Marco says, "the magic hour is upon us, so grab your loved ones, and let's count down to the new year! Ten! Nine! Eight!"


The whole crowd joins in, and I hold the phone close to my mouth and yell so Angel can hear me. "They're doing the countdown! Hold the line, okay?"

I push past people as I try to find my friends. It would suck if I didn't get to them in time.

"Seven ... six ... five ... four ..."

At last, I see Elissa, Liam, Cassie, and Ethan over by the windows. I do my best to hurry, but people keep getting in my way, and by the time I make it to them, the countdown is done.


People clap and cheer and scream so loudly, the noise is deafening, and even though I'm only a few feet away from Elissa, she can't hear me call her name. When I get close enough to tap her on the shoulder and wish her a happy new year, she's already macking on Liam like there's no tomorrow. Cassie and Ethan are no better.

I sigh and look around. "Happy new year to me, I guess." All around me, mobsters are kissing policewomen, Harley Quinn is kissing Batman, even Sonny and Cher are having a passionate reunion. Everyone seems to be getting their new year's liplock except for me.

I put the phone back up to my ear. "Angel? You still there?"

"Yes," she says. "I'm deaf, but I'm here. What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing. Just standing in the middle of a huge tongue orgy. Not feeling left out at all."

She makes a sympathetic sound. "Aw, honey. I'm sorry."

"You should be. I'm the only miserable asshole who doesn't get to kiss someone tonight."

"Now, that's not true. You kissed Zoe a few minutes ago. Surely that counts."

My whole body tenses. "What did you just say?"

"I said, you kissed Zoe. Looked like a good one, too. If you love me, you'd better make sure mine is better." Goosebumps crawl over my entire body when she adds, "Now come find me, and bring your sweet, talented mouth."

Leisa Rayven's books