Bad Romeo Christmas: A Starcrossed Anthology (Starcrossed #4)

"Daniel, we can't—"

"Yes, we can. I'm done living without you. It's finally our turn, and I'll be damned if I let you talk yourself out of it." He cups her cheek, and she closes her eyes as she leans into his touch. "Please, Erika ..."

She looks up into his face, her resolve fading. "According to the media, you're sleeping with your latest costar."

"Untrue," he says and gazes at her like she's a work of art. "I've never been unfaithful to Ellie. We're getting a divorce because Ellie's in love with her goddamn therapist."

"Oh, Daniel ..."

"I'm okay with it. I'm glad she finally has a man who loves her in ways I never could. In reality, our marriage died years ago, and I was too busy feeling guilty over loving you to end it." He moves his hands up to her shoulders and back down to her waist. "When I told Ellie about my feelings for you, she gave us her blessing. She's found happiness, and she couldn't begrudge me doing the same. So, Miss Eden, if you have no other objections, I'm going to kiss you now."

"Daniel, I—"

He cuts her off with a kiss so passionate, I wonder if they've forgotten I'm sitting here.

"Ah, okay, then," I say, as I put my glass down. "I should leave you two alone. I'm sure you have a lot to ... discuss."

Daniel spins Erika around and pins her against one of the bookcases. "God, you taste even better than I'd imagined."

In response, Erika moans and grips the back of his shoulders. "Don't stop."

They kiss again, getting steamier every second, and when she pushes his dinner jacket off and starts unbuttoning his shirt, I hightail it to the exit.

"I'm just going to close these," I say, grabbing the double doors. "You kids look like you need your privacy."

As soon as the doors click shut, unrestrained moaning comes from the other side.


I stand guarding the doors for a few minutes, concerned someone might barge in on them. I'm contemplating making up a Do not disturb sign when I hear a sniffle, and when I turn, the girl dressed as Uhura is coming out of the ladies’ room and heading toward the ballroom. She sniffles again.

Shit, is she crying?

"Hey!" I don't know why the hell I call out to her, but it doesn't matter. She doesn't turn around.

I hurry down the hallway after her. If there's one thing I hate to see, it's a woman in tears. I doubt she'd tell a random stranger what's wrong, but I have to try. Mind you, with the way things have been going tonight, it seems like confiding in me is the thing to do, so you never know. Maybe I could cheer her up by talking about Trek stuff for a while. God knows, my hero suit is starting to chafe. I'd love to go back to being a geek for a while.

She stops at the edge of the ballroom and looks around.

"Excuse me, miss?" I know the likelihood of her hearing me over the music is slim, but I try anyway.

When she moves into the crowd, I pick up my pace.

I'm nearly to the end of the hallway, when I see Zoe striding toward me.

"Josh, I need your help." She looks anxious, but at least she's not crying.

"Maybe later, Zoe, okay?" I try to keep an eye on Uhura, but when Zoe blocks my path, I lose her in the crowd.


I guess she'll just have to survive without me.

"Josh –"

I hold up my hand. "Zoe, is this urgent? I have an important call to make."

I can tell by her expression that Zoe isn't someone who enjoys waiting. "Fine. I'll be here when you're done."

I walk back up the hallway a few yards and dial Angel, hoping she's calmed down enough to accept my apology. I'm disappointed but not surprised when it goes to voicemail.

"Hey, this is Angel. When you hear the tone, imagine it's me swearing because I missed your call. Byeeee."

I take a calming breath as the tone sounds. I'm not sure if I can find the right words to make her understand how much I regret our fight, but I'm sure as hell going to try.

"Hey, beautiful girl. It's me - the stupidest man on earth. I'm guessing you don't want to talk to me right now, and I can't say I blame you. I behaved like an ass. I let my insecurities get the better of me, and I took it out on you. I can't tell you how sorry I am." I lean against the wall and drop my head back. "I hate that I made you think I don't trust you, because that's not how it is at all. Of course, I trust you. The only person I don't trust in this relationship is myself, and that has nothing to do with you, or even Julian." When I close my eyes, I get an image of her in my mind. It makes me smile, but it also makes my chest ache with how much I love her.

I hear someone clear their throat, and when I look down the hallway, I find Zoe there, tapping her wrist. I wave her off.

"Anyway, sorry you're hearing all of this in a message, but I needed you to know that I love you more than anything, and I hate that I upset you. Give me a call back when you get a chance."

I hang up and walk back to the impatient blonde.

"So you've finished your call?" she asks as I stop in front of her.

Leisa Rayven's books