Bad Boy

Thank you also to my dear friends and online supporters, including Ana, Bethany, Fox, James, Matt, and every single one of you who’s followed my transition journey under the Twitter hashtag #WakeUpElliot. Having a support network is critical when transitioning—and having you guys cheer at my victories and console me over setbacks is priceless.

And, of course, thank you. Yeah, you. The person holding this book. It’s because of readers like you that I went from someone who hated herself and her life and who self-published an escapist romance without believing anyone would read it, to this guy. This person who is only now starting to find his true place in the world. Thanks for reading my stories, and for letting me tell my own, book by book, in these final pages.

Here’s to Leah’s story ending happily—and to Elliot’s story, which is just beginning.

All my love,

Elliot Wake

Chicago, July 2016

Elliot Wake's books