
Laughing, I released the frustrating woman and pressed a kiss to her wrinkled cheek. “Sometimes I think you are too smart for me to keep around but honestly I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

A peal of giggles erupted from her, making her sound like a young girl.

I laughed and turned away from the desk just in time to catch the look of hatred on Monique’s face as she watched us from down the hall.

Chapter Twenty-One


At precisely eight p.m., a knock sounded on the apartment door. Without bothering to check the peephole, I unlocked the deadbolt and swung it open.

One would think after the centipede situation, I would have slowed my roll but because I was somewhat nervous and excited to see Kean, I sort of forgot.

My smile vanished the second I saw it wasn’t Kean on the other side.

A man who appeared to be a wall of thick muscles dressed in a navy blue suit glared down at me. He looked vaguely familiar but my shocked brain couldn’t immediately place him.

“You shouldn’t open the door without checking who it is first,” he growled.

Baffled that he knew I hadn’t checked I took a huge step back. I was suddenly fearful of who I had let in.

“H-ow?” It was the only word I was able to get out and it broke somewhere in the middle.

“You opened the door too fast.”

Tightening my grip on the rim of the door I weighed out my options.

If I was quick enough I could probably get the door shut and lock him on the other side except his face was in the way. I shouldn’t have let it bother me, but he did have a nice face.

The door hinges squeaked with the slight move of my hand.

“Don’t even think it. I could easily overpower you before you are able to shut and lock this door,” he said.

I didn’t need to hear anything else.

I flicked my hand sending the door moving in his direction but instead of slamming shut it was flung back open where it bounced off the door stopper.

I let out a gasp and stepped backwards. The man followed my movement.

When I opened my mouth to belt one out, he raised his hands in front of him, palms facing out. “Ms. Thompson please don’t scream. Dr. Bennett sent me.”

I paused and closed my mouth.

Kean had sent him. He knew Kean. The realization of where I knew him from slowly sunk in. I had seen him at Kean’s.

Holding out a hand for me to shake, he made another move towards where I was standing. “My name is Thad Wylin. We met when Kean brought you to the apartment.”

I searched his scowling face while my cheeks flushed. “No, we didn’t meet at all, actually. And yet, somehow you are aware of who I am.”

“True. I guess the correct phrase is you saw me at Kean’s. I apologize. I didn’t mean to frighten you but it concerns me that you would open the door without checking to see who it was first. No matter who you are expecting, you should always check the peephole. You need to be aware of your surroundings. You never know who could be watching a pretty woman such as yourself.”

As much as I was ashamed to admit it, Thad was right. I knew someone had been threatening me and I still opened the door just assuming it was Kean. Wasn’t the smartest move to make.

“You’re right. It was stupid of me to open the door without checking who it was beforehand. I just assumed it was Kean since he was supposed to pick me up.”

“Kean’s conference call ran late so he asked me to escort you since he knew he wouldn’t make it on time to get you. He is waiting for us.”

Disappointment bled onto my features as I stared silently at Thad. I wanted to trust him but after bringing to light my previous lack of safety awareness I wasn’t sure if I should. Which I guess was a little late seeing as I had already let him into my apartment.

As if he could read what was playing inside my head, Thad removed a cell phone from the jacket pocket of his suit. Hitting a button, he held it to his ear. “Yeah I’m here. You need to explain to her so she knows I’m safe.”

He held the phone in my direction and motioned for me to take it.

“Hello,” I breathed into the mouthpiece.

“Ciaran, I’m sorry, I just got off the call. I meant to give you a heads up I was sending Thad but my conference call ran late.”

“It’s okay,” I said, feeling ridiculous about my behavior.

I eyed Thad in front of me as Kean continued to explain.

“I’ve known Thad since my early teens. He is my best friend. You can trust him. I’ll see you in a little while,” he said before disconnecting.

I handed the phone back to Thad and offered a meek apology. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, Ms. Thompson.”

“Please, call me Ciaran,” I said, grabbing my purse from the foyer table and locking the door behind me.

Once I was settled in the black SUV Thad had parked at the curb, I decided to do a little impromptu questioning. Kean had said this man was his best friend. He was bound to have some insights on what makes Kean tick.

“Can I ask you something, Mr. Wylin?”

“It’s Thad, please. I know I’m older than Kean by six years but the ‘Mr.’ thing makes me feel like I should be using a cane to get around.” I laughed as he continued. “Kean seems to trust you. As long as you’re not going to include anything I say in your article, you can ask anything you want.”

I didn’t take offense to his statement. I could tell by his tone he genuinely cared and was only looking out for Kean.

“You have yourself a deal, Thad. Kean told me on the phone that you’ve known him since he was younger. Is that true?”

“Yes. I was originally hired by Dr. Duarte after some security issues came about with the family. Kean was fourteen when I first met him and he made my early twenties a living hell. He was a handful and then some to watch in his teen years. As Kean grew older and I continued to work for the family, we became good friends. When Kean’s father passed away a couple of years ago and my contract ended, Kean and I stayed close. I also still run security for him when he needs it.”

“Isn’t it odd for a plastic surgeon to need that type of protection?”

“That’s probably more of a question for Kean,” Thad said as he steered the car into a right turn.

I sighed. “I would ask him but he’s not always open to answering my questions.”

“Then it sounds like you know Kean well.”

I blew out a mirthless laugh releasing some of my frustration.

“Kean had it rough growing up and unfortunately some of that streamed over into his adult years. Trusting people doesn’t come easy for him.”

Yeah, no kidding. I had come to this conclusion all by myself just by observing Kean. It explained a lot of his gruff behavior towards the world.

“Can I be honest?” Thad asked, his solemn tone drawing me in.

“Please, I would appreciate it.”

“I don’t wish to offend you in any way but I have been concerned for Kean’s safety since he informed me you are planning to expose him by writing an article about him. However, as I’ve said, he seems to trust you. I only hope his trust is warranted.”

I cut in. “Expose him? I’m writing an article about plastic surgery, not trying to kill the man. Besides, I would never hurt Kean or betray his trust.”

“I hope not. He’s changed some, since he met you. It was slight at first as if he was trying to fight it off but over the time you two have known each other, some of the anger and bitterness he tends to shoulder daily has dissolved. I believe it has to do with you.”

“I doubt it’s because of me. I’m probably no different than any of the other women he has slept with,” I responded, my own insecurities sounding bitter to my ears.

“Take it from someone who knows him better than he knows himself: you’re wrong.”

Thad grew quiet and focused on his driving, which I was fine with. I appreciated the time to think. I needed to get my heart under control before I faced the man it was throwing a parade for.

Stefanie G. Torres's books