Alien Nation (Katherine "Kitty" Katt #14)

Jeff and I were sitting at the front of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Normally we wouldn’t have been in there unless we were addressing the U.N. And, in that case, we’d have been waiting in a nice antechamber until it was time to go on. However, due to the circumstances that a whole bunch of aliens arriving unexpectedly had created for Earth in general and us in particular, there we were. Operation Immigration continued to pay dividends in putting me places I didn’t want to be.

We were up front and center because the Secretary General had chosen the U.S. to get the prime seats at that Assembly. We weren’t in delegates chairs but were sitting behind America’s delegation, where support staff normally hung out. The chairs were far less comfy than the ones the delegates had, but that wasn’t the issue. No, the issue was that my Official First Lady Color of iced blue matched the fabric of these chairs perfectly. So perfectly that it looked like my disembodied head was floating near Jeff’s shoulder, my having been in a long-sleeved dress, versus a suit for this particular shindig.

The audience tittered and I couldn’t blame them. Would have made a comment, but the sound was going and people onscreen were talking.

“It is a historic day for our countries, our world, and our galaxy,” the Secretary General of the United Nations said, sounding really excited. Wondered if he’d gotten his start on a morning show. “Not only are we inducting several new sovereign nations into our ranks, but we are also officially joining the greater galactic community as Earth and the Solaris System become a part of the Aligned Worlds of the Milky Way Galaxy.”

This earned a lot of applause both onscreen and from my live studio audience.

“After much worldwide deliberation,” the Secretary General went on, after the applause in the General Assembly had died down, “the United Nations has reached a unanimous decision for who will represent Earth’s interests within the Union of Aligned Worlds. I am pleased and proud to announce that Katherine Katt-Martini has agreed to represent Earth and all of our interests!”

Gini Koch's books