The Dead Play On

It wasn’t Arnie’s precious special sax. But like that sax, it was magic when played by a man who loved it—and loved where he was playing.


When they finished playing for the day and said their thank-yous and goodbyes to those who had served their country, their families, the doctors and nurses, and everyone else who’d come, Amy walked up to Tyler and gave him a hug.


“Any sax is magic in your hands, son, as it was in Arnie’s,” she said, giving voice to Danni’s thoughts. Then she turned to Quinn and Danni, winked and told them, “Magic can always find a way into the world when there’s enough belief, enough longing.” She scooped Craig up into her arms and held him close. “Magic.” She offered them a wry grin. “And you two will always find it, wherever it might lie!”


Quinn was standing behind Danni, holding her tightly to him. She felt his whisper against her ear as he said, “Ah, yes. Magic. My magic is your arms, Danni.”


She turned and kissed him.


Yes, that was magic.

Heather Graham's books