The Creeping

All writers and early readers who offered up support and critique. A special thanks to Debra Driza, whose eyes were the first other than mine on this manuscript; the Fearless Fifteeners, who supported me in a way that only other debut authors can; Olivia Valcarce, for all of your feedback and help; CB, for making me believe; and Melissa Palmer, librarian and lifelong friend.

The extraordinary team at Simon & Schuster, with great thanks to: Valerie Shea, copy editor, who spared me loads of embarrassment; managing editor, Ellen Grafton; and production manager, Heather Faulls. Thank you to Lizzy Bromley for designing a cover that is as sexy as it is unsettling. I cannot stop staring. And thank you also to Caryn Drexl for her stunning photograph.

To Navah Wolfe, stellar editor, who shares a love of monsters with me. In many instances the characters in this book deserved better than I could give them alone. Thank you for your guidance and for asking all the right questions. Thank you for understanding that this book is about loyalty and friendship as much as it is about deceit and wickedness. You have made it immeasurably better.

And finally, thank you to my husband, Joe. Thank you for always making me laugh, letting me read aloud, celebrating the small victories, dismissing the defeats, steadying me throughout this crazy, wonderful ride, and never wavering in your belief that I could do this. I did it because of you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Alexandra Sirowy's books