Clouded Vision


She’d drifted off during a TV wildlife special. It was something about the rain forests. She’d never been all that interested in the rain forests.


Only a few minutes into sleep, Winona Simpson woke with a start.


Her heart was pounding. She reached under the various necklaces she always wore and put her palm between her breasts, to feel the rapid beating.


That was some nightmare.


It was so real, so frightening.


No, she thought, it was not a nightmare.


It was something else.


She’d had a vision. That was the way they often came to her – as she slept.


Winona blinked a couple of times, trying to bring into focus the images in her head.


She drew in a sharp breath.


‘Oh, Keisha,’ she said. ‘What on earth have you done?�

Linwood Barclay's books