Monster Nation

Raul Gallego, provided information on topics military, architectural, and religious. Then there was Clint Freeman, who knew more about Florence, Colorado and its famous prison than I had room to fit into the book.

There are those who say a book like this is only as good as its research. If you enjoyed “Monster Nation” you owe these two men a round of applause.

Also, let us never forget Alex Lencicki, of course, our intrepid publisher. And webmaster. And Halo 2 instructor (the man is unstoppable with an energy sword). And friend. Alex went so far past the call of duty this time I nearly lost sight of him. During the last few months Alex made this story available on cellular phones, PDAs, and now, of all things, iPods. Alex Lencicki is no Johnny Halfways.

I would like to thank my wife, Elisabeth, who put up with all of this when she really didn't have to. Thanks, Pepper. Just one more to go.

Speaking of which.

“Monster Planet.”

Well. Give me a little time. I've been working on a bunch of side projects. There are some “Monster Universe” short stories out there floating around in the process of getting published. I'm in school, I have a full time job, and I'm moving to a new apartment.

Let's meet back here in three months. Call it Monday, May 23rd. I reserve the right to change that date if necessary, but I'll do my best to stick to it.

I know it's a long time, but it will be worth it, I promise. “Monster Planet” is going to finish this thing in style. Think running gun battles between the living and the dead. Think mysteries uncovered and solved, think legends made and broken, think bizarre new dead characters with bizarre new powers. Think Nilla and Dekalb and the Russian Boy. Think Ayaan. Think Sarah. Think Gary. Think the end of the world.

Think how much fun we still get to have together.

-Dave Wellington

David Wellington's books