Scorned (Torn Series #4)

Chapter 10

“Don’t you have work to do?” I grumbled when I was woken up from our nap after that intense workout we had on his office table.

“I’m taking some time off work while you’re here. My father understood and thought it best as well.” He pulled me against his chest, kissing the back of my ear, using his leg to pull mine back so it would sandwich against his. “We have to get ready to go to Pappou’s dinner party tonight. It’s time you meet my entire clan.”

Shit. Dinner. His family. Shit. “So not looking forward to being criticized tonight. Besides, I don’t think I can walk. I can’t feel my legs.” Damn, when I said abused earlier, he took it seriously and went WHAM on my vagina. Didn’t he get that was just to entice him to f*ck me well? I didn’t ask for him to cripple me. I could still feel the echo of him inside me, stretching and pounding my body.

“I did as you asked, agápi mou.” My love. “You know how much I love this body… I loved it when you called me your husband in Greek.” He nipped my neck, smiling. “You know how I get when you talk to me in Greek. You knew what was coming.”

That, I did. I bit back a smile, but ended up laughing when he took hold of my hips and cushioned my butt against his hard shaft. “Give my vagina a little breather, please.”

“I intend to. Want me to run you a bath? I’ll wash your aches away.” He groaned as he gently, humped my butt cheek.

Right, because he wasn’t hard at all. “Sure you are.”

He laughed before giving me a nice spanking. “I promise, agápi mou. Now let’s get you bathed before we arrive late to Pappou’s party.”

A little over an hour later, we were in his Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster. The car matched its owner—powerful, screaming of testosterone and had a big, insatiable stamina.

Hell if the Greek McHottie didn’t also look sexy as hell as he shifted gears; effortless in his display of skills, confident in everything he did.

“Stop staring at me; I can’t concentrate driving.” He glanced at me, beaming with pleasure.

“Quit being so full of yourself. You’re not that hot!” I teased, but didn’t believe my lies, not one little bit. I sat there, thinking of how he took me on that table, still feeling him in me after a couple of hours later and, even in my sore state, I wanted him again.

“I wasn’t referring about me, yineka mou. You’re a distraction just having you this close.” He grinned, took hold of my hand and kissed it. “I love this.”

Me, too—too much—but it was inevitable the second I agreed to have this with him. Leaving him, leaving Greece a second time around, would be hard, however it wasn’t going to stop me from leaving.


“Doing okay?” Dimitris asked, handing me a glass of red wine. We had just finished dinner and I was thankful that he hadn’t left my side.

His parents were still welcoming, though that spark of enthusiasm I saw in their eyes the other night was non-existent tonight. I didn’t really blame them. Yet, the rest of his family were better than what I had expected. I mean, I wasn’t expecting a crazy bunch of Greek-in-laws or anything, but more hostility. I didn’t find that. I found their curiosity amusing, though.

“Uhmm. You have a huge amount of family around you. Don’t you feel overwhelmed by all this commotion?” I took a peek at his thoughtful face, glancing at the screaming kids playing tag. “Crazy kids don’t drive you up the wall?” They were cute, especially the little toddler named Luisa who was eating ice cream, but it looked like her dress got most of it. Motherhood wasn’t something I dwelled on because I had decided a long time ago that I didn’t want to be a mom.

Why? It just wasn’t part of my DNA. Simple.

“I love kids. One day, I’d like five of my own running around. They’re angelic and devilish, but made with love. What’s not to like?” He took hold of my hand and kissed it again, holding it a little bit longer before letting it go.

I’m sure he’d have that life… the kids and all of his dreams, with Claudine. I’d bet my ass that she would already have her wedding and her dream home mapped out the second Dimitris proposed to her. My stomach tightened as the flashbacks of Dimitris and I saying our vows together in that little chapel rammed into me. To have and to hold… from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

Dimitris brushed my cheek, bringing me back to reality. “Are you okay? You look a tad pale.”

No, I wasn’t okay. The more I spent time here, the more I was losing track of what was real and what wasn’t. Everyone was just too happy and it made things worse because I was so out of my depth here. “I’m fine, just jet-lagged that’s all.”

“You sure?” he double checked.

Nodding, I pasted a smile on my face, it was convincing enough. “Extra sure.”

“All right then. I’m going to take little Luisa and clean her up before giving her back to my cousin. Is that okay with you?” He grinned, kissing me on my forehead before walking away to the little girl who was crying in vain because her ice cream had slid out of the cone and dropped on the grass.

Dimitris immediately took her in his arms, not caring about her ice cream stains rubbing on his shirt as he tried to soothe her before taking her inside the villa where the rest of his family still chatted over coffee and desserts.

“You’re going to break his heart again,” Maria said from somewhere behind me, probably watching us the whole time without me knowing it. She took the spot where Dimitris had sat earlier, eyeing me with scrutiny. “My son came home last year a different man,” she started, looking away. “I thought then, that it could be due to his filming and that it was his last one, that the pressure probably took a lot from him. After the shoot ended, he still acted the same. Even if he hid it well, I’m his mother. I knew it, my guts knew it, that my son was hurting inside, but I didn’t know why. His smile was gone. My son wasn’t a man inside, no matter how much he walked around, calling himself one.” Maria glanced at me then, sad. “Tonight, I see that smile. For months, I longed to see it. My son is happy and very much the old Dimitris everyone knew and loved. Don’t take that away from him. Please, it’s cruel if you leave him again.”

Oh God. Don’t do this to me. This was the last thing I needed. “Your son has Claudine. She can make him happy in the long run, but I… I cannot.”

“He loves you. I’m sure he loves you more than that guy you’re in love with since childhood. My son is a good man. Stay with him and in time, you’ll learn to love him. I don’t know why, but you make him happy. One look at him tonight was all it took for me to understand why he married you. He’s in love and I doubt Claudine can make him happy the way you can. Even if I don’t like you right now, you make my son complete. That’s all I care about.”

I was incredibly guilty of so many things. Although, this one was at the top of my list. “I’m sorry… for causing your family grief,” I murmured, choked up.

She gave me a motherly hug before releasing me. “You don’t owe me an apology, but you owe one to my son. Make him happy. Stay and be his wife. I’ll pray and hope that you’ll change your mind.” Maria gave me a saddened face before getting up and striding inside the villa.

She had left me with so many questions, yet no answers to give.

Pamela Ann's books