Frey (The Frey Saga, #1)

The moment I entered the castle, I knew something was wrong. I had gone in through the servants’ quarters, desiring to keep a low profile. When they saw me, they did not have the standard reaction (pretending not to). Instead, fear crossed their faces and they disappeared from sight. As I made my way through the corridors, I found them turning away from me, ditching into doorways. My heart sped. I wondered if something had gone wrong with Rune’s spell this time. I decided to go check on him. I realized I was running.

As I rounded a corner heading to the practice rooms, I ran into something hard. The impact didn’t knock me down, but the shock almost did. It was one of Father’s guards… one of the guards he’d taken with him.

He had me by the arm, dragging me along before I could think. I couldn’t decide whether to run, whether to fight. And then we were in the throne room. My father’s face was indescribable, his fury almost tangible. I couldn’t bring myself to look away from him, but I saw Rune standing in my peripheral. I was caught, completely busted. I frantically searched for some explanation before he spoke. But he didn’t speak. He flipped his arm, dismissing me. The tension showed in that small movement and I blanched. I started to pull away from the guard but he didn’t release me. I realized then I hadn’t been dismissed… it had been a direction for the guard. He wrenched me beside him, jerking unnecessarily, and then shoved me through the door to my room. I listened but his steps did not recede. I tried the door; it was already bound.

I threw myself on the bed. I felt absolutely wretched. Actually, I felt worse than that, I felt as if I’d been poisoned. The room spun and I heaved over the edge of the mattress.

When I woke late the next morning, I was covered in sweat. My head spun as I stood, but I steadied myself and moved to the basin to splash my face. As I looked in the mirror at my pallid complexion, my features twisted in horror.

Understanding came suddenly and would not be denied. I scoffed at myself humorlessly as my words taunted me… just harmless fun... what could it hurt? For half a second, I wanted to scream. And then my hands found their way to my stomach and rested there.

I felt a sharp intake of breath. I hadn’t noticed I had gotten so deeply involved in the story.

I was unnaturally calm when they finally came for me. I knew they would know right away, recognize the obvious signs. But it didn’t matter now. I walked forward, resigned to my fate.

What I didn’t expect was their response. The throne room was full. And not one of them did not gasp when comprehension hit. But my father, and each of those present, seemed… pleased when they saw me. I had been resigned to my fate… but now, now they were pleased. They had no idea there was a… a human… growing in the belly my hands now cradled. I listened as their voices began, and then rose, clamorously discussing the news and what it could bring. I cringed as their words turned to the possibilities, the power I might pass down, the strength the new one might bring.

“We will leave at daybreak,” I heard Grey inform Ruby as I read. Perfect. The news brought on a new round of worry so I went back to the book.

Eventually, my father did seek to find out who the father was. I refused to tell him anything and he could not force me in my condition. I could see his plans for it already forming. I was almost happy it would not be powerful, half human and unmagical. I wondered if it could even be brought to term, I was ill so often now. The elders discussed it constantly, so unusual to be sick but it must have been a result of the pregnancy. Several of them were assigned to watch me and I had to listen to their incessant chatter. They seemed thrilled not to know how or when I had gotten this way, carrying on about young elves and their quests.

Ruby’s hand was on my shoulder, shaking me to wake. I hadn’t realized I’d fallen asleep. I jerked up, hoping she hadn’t seen the journal. It wasn’t lying there. I grabbed my pack, pretending to get ready, and sighed when I felt it tucked inside. I didn’t remember doing it, but I was grateful I had… I was really getting into the story.

I yawned and stretched, and then followed her out of the room. I was surprised at the size of the fort. We went down several corridors and passed a few doors before finally coming to a large, open area where the others waited for us. Chevelle smiled at me as I passed him on the way to my horse. I started to command it to kneel, but then Steed grabbed me at the waist and threw me up. I took one deep breath before we kicked up the horses and ran from the fort in a pack.