Breath of Yesterday (The Curse Series)



Cemetery by Auld a′chruinn, Present-Day November




The days of fall were colder and rainier than they had been in previous years, and the trees had already lost most of 


their leaves. As fast and unrelentingly as the leaves were losing color and floating to the ground, Payton’s strengths 


were also fading. Luckily, the days where he would throw up anything he ate were behind him. But only because he had 


stopped eating altogether. Instead, he would now bleed from the nose every time he sat up or moved in any other way. His 


skin was sallow, and his eyes were glassy with delirium.


Still, he smiled every time a new memory flooded into this mind. A memory of Sam. It didn’t surprise him how hard he 


had fallen for her from the first moment on—because she was his fate, his destiny.


Sean, on the other hand, seemed to only have very faint memories of Sam. He sincerely hoped that his weren’t just 


figments of his imagination, created in his mind only because he so desperately wanted to find her.


So many days had passed and she hadn’t returned yet. Was that even possible? Would she be able to come back? Roy hadn’


t found a way to help Sam, either. The memorial stone wasn’t doing anything mysterious, nor was there any other hint as 


to Sam’s disappearance. Which was why Roy, the great scholar, had returned home to Aviemore empty-handed. But he gave 


his word to go through his records once more with a fine-toothed comb. He promised to be in touch should he think of 


anything else.


Payton didn’t take any of this in. He just leaned against the Five Sisters stone and found his escape in his memories.


Nonetheless, he did know that time was running out in the same way that the leaves around him were falling mercilessly.