
She snorts. “I can always count on you to be sensitive, Jake.”

“Screw sensitivity—you need to take it easier. You’re not doing yourself or the baby any favors here.”

I stand and move closer to her. “He’s right, sweetheart. Get some rest, recharge. What good is having awesome partners if you don’t let us pick up the slack once in a while? You’d do it for us.”

Before she can argue, I sweep her up into my arms.

Upper-body strength is important, particularly for someone like me, and I use hand grips, even do chin-ups on the bar in my office to keep my muscles in prime condition. There are days when I can’t use my prosthesis, and the wheelchair hits the pavement. Times when I have to lift myself in and out of the chair, or my bed—and I’ll be damned if my arms can’t handle the load.

“I can walk, Brent,” she only half argues as Jake opens the door.

“Of course you can. But why should you, when you’ve got manly men like us to walk for you.”

Despite the prime male specimen that I am, I have to say—Sofia’s not light. A grunt escapes as I adjust her in my arms and head for her office.

And of course, she notices.

“If you say anything about my weight, I’ll rip your beard hairs out.”

I chuckle. “I would never comment on a woman’s weight—especially a pregnant woman’s.”

Then, because Sofia is like a sister to me, I add, “But I think my titanium leg just bent under the strain.”

She pinches me. My neck, my arms—it’s merciless.

“Ow! Jesus! No pinching! Pinching is not cool.”

By the time I get her to her office and set her on the couch, she’s smiling—so, mission accomplished.

Stanton comes in behind us with crackers and a glass of soda . . . and a cell phone. He holds it out to his wife. “There’s a call for you.”

Suspicion fills her features as she takes the phone. When she looks at the number, she hisses like a wet cat. “You called my mother?”

Stanton is unrepentant. “You didn’t leave me much choice.”

“I will never forgive you for this.”

Stanton winks. “Never is a long time, baby. I’m willing to take my chances.”

Hesitantly, Sofia brings the phone to her ear. “Mam?e?” And she must be getting an earful. “No, no, I’m fine. He’s crazy. But . . .”

With our meeting adjourned, I head for my office to get to work.

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