Save the Date (Modern Arrangements, #1)

"Shut up before I'm forced to shut you up. I don’t want to Loreley!" Cold hard eyes of hatred focused in on me. "But I WILL DO IT if necessary!"

I swallowed the threatening sob, and controlled myself for the remainder of the trip.

Now locked away in my childhood bedroom at my father’s home, I was guarded at every door and window. I wasn’t allowed to leave the premises, must be escorted at all times. He had guards stationed and I could often see them wandering the yard under my window. The only access to the outside world I held prisoner from was the television.

Soap operas were nothing compared to my current situation. As I watched some reruns of a ridiculous reality show, my door abruptly opened. It wasn’t time for dinner to arrive, so I quickly stood and prepared myself for the worst.

"Here she is." My father entered wearing a smile.

I wanted to slap the smile off of his face, but knew Karl or Rashand would stop me before I could get a few feet. All that would do is piss him off, which would result in some form of punishment.

"Have you been keeping her rested and relaxed?" An unfamiliar older man asked.

He wore a dark suit and clutched a small black leather bag in his hand. And there was just something about him that gave me the creeps.

"Of course, she's been in this room resting for almost five weeks now." My father smiled, proudly.

Five weeks? But…how, I thought it had only been four.

"What’s going on?" I took two steps back from them.

"Loreley, this is your doctor. He needs to examine you."

"For what? I'm not ill." Glaring at my father, I took another step back.

"Not yet." My father smirked. "Now behave." He ordered. And his all too familiar cold dark eyes hardened.

"I will do no such thing! He’s not touching me!"

"Karl! Rashand!" My father yelled, not further order required.

I tried to get to the bathroom and lock myself in, but Karl was too fast, too big, and too strong.

"Let go!" I screamed.

"Now, now dear. Don’t get upset, it’s not healthy for you or my grandchild."

As Karl forced me to sit on the bed, my wide eyes focused on my father.

"What grandchild?"

Father simply smirked, the same dark cold look on his face that I'd seen growing up.

"I didn’t sleep with Iverson! How could I..? What have you done to me?" Screaming, I lunged toward my father.

Karl caught me, his arms like steel bands around my upper arms.

"No you didn’t technically have sex with him. Unfortunately, your little rebellion a few months ago ruined all those plans, so other arrangements were made." He waved it off and turned to the doctor. "Will you be able to get the results to me today?"

The doctor nodded as he laid out needles, small vials, a rubber strap, and other small medical items.

"Other arrangements? What does that mean?" I growled out at him.

He sighed and ignored me.

"What did you put inside of me? How did you…? Oh god, you let someone…do this to me while I was knocked out?" I started sobbing and if it wasn’t for Karl holding me I was sure that I would be in a ball on the floor.

"Stop your sniveling! It’s ridiculous." He spat. "Don’t worry Loreley, no one took advantage of you. It was a simple medical procedure."

I looked up at him with swollen, cloudy eyes.

"You got me pregnant while I was knocked out." I said, sickly. "And you think that isn’t taking advantage?"

He laughed loudly.

"Oh Loreley, you were completely prepared to sleep with him before, now you're cringing at the thought of being pregnant with his child. Well, hopefully you’re pregnant and you don’t fail again." His tone changed to condescending. "You have been such a disappointment lately." He snorted.

"Though, it was entertaining to watch Hillary extract the necessary component from Aidan." He chuckled. "She, unlike my daughter, is very anxious to please."

He smiled. Nausea crept from the pit of my stomach, lodging at the base of my throat. I didn't know if I could swallow the lump. My vision doubled.

The doctor motioned to Karl. He gripped my arm, holding it out for him. I didn’t even bother fighting. They took the vials of blood and left me sobbing on my bedroom floor.

When I woke on the cold floor, my mind began reeling. I had to get out, to get away and hide. Knowing if I gave birth under this roof, my father would take the baby and simply dispose of me if I didn’t go along with his plan. How am I going to get away?


Six months of imprisonment passed. I tried my best to be on ‘good behavior’, hoping it would allot me some freedom. During those six months, I thought about what had led to my being locked away.

Sadie Grubor's books