KANE (Slater Brothers, #3)

He was flabbergasted.

“I know, I’m ridiculously good looking and you can’t help but fawn over the canvas that is my stunning face, but are you going to get your ass over here and hug me or stand there staring all day?”

Kane didn’t move an inch. Instead, he repeatedly blinked his eyes as if to check if they were playing tricks on him. When he realised who was really here, and it wasn’t some sort of joke his mind was playing, Kane took another step forward and whispered one word.


Finally, I have reached the acknowledgments. That means Kane is complete. Thank you, God! I have my usual village of people to thank for helping make this book possible.

As always I’d like to thank God first and foremost, through Him all things are possible.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without my daughter; you’re the best thing ever to happen to me. I love you with all my heart, mini me.

My family. My crazy family. Thank you all for believing in me. Love you all!

My sister, my crazy partner in crime. I love you so much, and I’m so happy you get to share in this incredible journey with me. You’re a star.

Yessi – I kind of like you. Kind of. That’s the only nice thing I’m saying.

Jill – Thank you for being the amazing person you are, love you!

Mary – You always manage to make me smile, no matter what it is you do. Love you loads.

Jen, thank you so much for making editing a semi-enjoyable experience ;) Your witty comments and GIFs make the whole process better!

Jenny, the Goddess over at Editing4Indies, I love you for proofreading Kane so well! You’re brilliant!

Nicola Rhead, thank you for also proofreading Kane, you’re a gem!

Mayhem Cover Creations, you have done it again LJ. Kane is the sixth cover you have created for me, and I am absolutely in love with it. Thank you!

Jules from JT Formatting, your formatting is one of a kind. It’s stunning. I adore it, and you. Thank you.

Last, but never least, my readers. I would not be typing the acknowledgments to Kane had it not been for each and every one of you. Thank you for giving me my dream job <3

L.A. Casey was born, raised and currently resides in Dublin, Ireland. She is a twenty-three year old stay at home mother to a two-year-old German Shepherd named Storm and of course, her five and half year old (the half is apparently vital) beautiful little hellion/angel depending on the hour of the day.

L. A. Casey's books