Everything, Everything

Olly: definitely no

Madeline: I’m not a princess.

Madeline: And I don’t need rescuing.

Olly: that’s ok. i’m no prince

Madeline: You think I’m pretty?

Olly: for a fairytale ghost spy princess? definitely

Saturday, 8:01 P.M.

Olly: how come you don’t log on until after 8?

Madeline: I’m usually not alone until then.

Olly: someone’s with you all day?

Madeline: Can we please not talk about this?

Olly: curiouser and curiouser madeline whittier

Sunday, 8:22 P.M.

Olly: here’s a game. fast five favorites. book word color vice person Olly: come on come on. type faster woman. don’t think just type Madeline: Sheesh. The Little Prince. Uxorious. Aquamarine. I don’t have any vices. My mom.

Olly: everyone’s got vices

Madeline: Not me. Why? How many do you have?

Olly: enough to choose a favorite one

Madeline: OK, your turn.

Olly: same list?

Madeline: Yes

Olly: lord of the flies, macabre, black, stealing silverware, my sister Madeline: Ugh. Lord of the Flies? I don’t think we can be friends anymore. That book is awful.

Olly: what’s so awful about it?

Madeline: Everything!

Olly: you just don’t like it because it’s true Madeline: What’s true? Left to our own devices we would kill each other?

Olly: yes

Madeline: Do you really believe that?

Olly: yes

Madeline: Well, I don’t. I definitely don’t.

Madeline: Do you really steal silverware?

Olly: you should see my spoon collection

Monday, 8:07 P.M.

Olly: what’d you do to get so grounded?

Madeline: I’m not grounded and I don’t want to talk about this.

Olly: does it involve a guy?

Olly: are you knocked up? do you have a boyfriend?

Madeline: Oh my God, you’re insane! I’m not pregnant and I don’t have a boyfriend! What kind of girl do you think I am?

Olly: a mysterious one

Madeline: Have you spent all day thinking that I was pregnant?

Madeline: Have you?

Olly: it crossed my mind once or twice or fifteen times Madeline: Unbelievable.

Olly: don’t you want to know if i have a girlfriend?

Madeline: No.

Tuesday, 8:18 P.M.

Madeline: Hi.

Olly: hey

Madeline: I didn’t know if you’d log on tonight. Are you OK?

Olly: fine

Madeline: What happened? Why was he so angry?

Olly: i don’t know what you’re talking about

Madeline: Your dad, Olly. Why was he so angry?

Olly: you’ve got your secrets. i’ve got mine

Madeline: OK.

Olly: ok

Wednesday, 3:31 A.M.

Olly: couldn’t sleep?

Madeline: No.

Olly: me too. fast five favorites movie. food body-part class Madeline: That’s only four. Besides, it’s too late for this. I can’t think.

Olly: waiting

Madeline: Pride and Prejudice—the BBC version, toast, hands, architecture.

Olly: jesus. is there a girl on this planet who doesn’t love mr. darcy Madeline: All girls love Mr. Darcy?

Olly: are you kidding? even my sister loves darcy and she doesn’t love anybody.

Madeline: She must love somebody. I’m sure she loves you.

Olly: what’s so great about darcy?

Madeline: That is not a serious question.

Olly: he’s a snob

Madeline: But he overcomes it and eventually realizes that character matters more than class! He’s a man open to learning life’s lessons! Also, he’s completely gorgeous and noble and dark and brooding and poetic. Did I mention gorgeous? Also, he loves Elizabeth beyond all reason.

Olly: huh

Madeline: Yeah.

Olly: my turn?

Madeline: Proceed.

Olly: Godzilla, toast, eyes, math. wait, is the body part your favorite on yourself or on someone else?

Madeline: I don’t know! It’s your list.

Olly: o yeah. all right, i’m sticking with eyes Madeline: What color are your eyes?

Olly: blue

Madeline: Be more specific, please.

Olly: jesus. girls. ocean blue

Madeline: Atlantic or Pacific?

Olly: atlantic. What color are yours?

Madeline: Chocolate brown.

Olly: more specific please

Madeline: 75% cacao butter dark chocolate brown.

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