Captured Again(The Let Me Go Series)

Chapter 8

Olivia angrily paced the hallway, waiting for Emma to appear. It had been a long night for her and she had to be in court in three hours. She couldn’t postpone, and her latest case was too important to assign to someone else. She had worked for months to get in front of the judge to have her latest assigned child removed from their home before it was too late.

She could strangle Emma for getting in trouble. She was shocked. She thought Emma had been sober for years. She was doing so well. Even going to college and working at a great part-time job that paid well. She hoped this wasn’t the start of a long-ago left behind pattern of Emma’s. Alcohol had power over Emma. Power that could reduce her to rubble if she let it. She hoped this really was just an isolated incident.

Their family had been through hell and kept on going years ago, ripped apart until they were finally brought back together, first by the near tragedy of almost losing Gabby and then later Mom and her mind-boggling, life-threatening illness that she’d thankfully recovered from. They’d all worked hard to get from there to where they were in life... Emma getting sober and into college and a good job; Mom and her boyfriend, Nick, had gotten married about five years ago; and Olivia had finished night school while working a full-time retail job during the day to earn her degree in social work.

Her hard work had finally paid off a year ago when she landed her job working for the state, investigating child abuse and neglect. She had known even before leaving Billy, her ex-husband, for the last time that she wanted to work with other victims, starting with children—to make a difference while they were young, to show them their worth before they fell into a cycle of abuse as she and her sisters had. She was finally in the right place in her life and doing what she loved, and she was happy—even if she was sometimes lonely—but now, since the accident, it felt like her own family was once again falling apart.

Olivia would make sure Emma knew this was bad timing on her part with what Gabby was going through—what they all were going through—but especially Gabby. Gabby needed them all to stay strong for her just for a while longer. They couldn’t fall apart now one at a time

Finally, the door she’d been pacing in front of opened and Emma appeared, looking tiny and scared but okay. Olivia forgot all about her anger and grabbed Emma in a hug and gave a huge sigh of relief.

Emma let herself be hugged, lazily resting in the comfort of Olivia’s arms. She normally didn’t like to be touched, but this was Olivia, one of her big sisters, and she would allow herself to enjoy at least that much human contact right now, after what she’d been through.

They broke apart and Emma gazed around, looking for Gabby; she was the one that was supposed to have sprung her. That was the plan. But Gabby was nowhere to be seen.

“Where’s Gabby?”

“She’s getting ready for work. She didn’t answer her phone last night—again—so I dropped Nick off to get your car and went over there after I came by here. They wouldn’t let me post bail right away,” Olivia answered. “Nick drove your car home.”

“Seriously? Oh, great. So Nick knows already... Why wouldn’t Gabby get up to help me? What the—”

“Emma, don’t start. She didn’t answer the phone so she didn’t know you were here until I went over there. I was up with her most of the night. She finally talked about the accident. That’s progress, but she didn’t bring up after the accident. I guess she’s still in a bad place.”

“Yeah, well, I guess that’s a step in the right direction, but after is what she needs to face. If she’s not talking about that, she’s still standing still. Taking steps is easy for her, but standing still is a lot harder on us,” Emma grumbled. “I’m sure she won’t have a problem sticking a grenade up my ass for me drinking tonight and getting arrested. She never has before. So why can’t I stick one up hers and wake her the hell up?”

“No, Emma. It can’t work like that this time. Seriously. And I doubt she’ll say anything to you about your drinking with what she’s got going on. Just don’t let it happen again, or I won’t hesitate to pull the pin myself. I’ll go over and talk to her again when I get off work tomorrow—I mean today.”

“Wait—what time is it?” Emma asked, confused.

“It’s seven in the morning. You were in there all night. They have to hold you overnight when you’ve been charged with driving under the influence. What time did you think it was?”

“Shit! I’ve got class in two hours! I guess I thought it was still yesterday. It seemed like I was only in there a few hours. I really must have fallen asleep for a while... and the cop that arrested me was still on duty—he just let me out. Why would he still be here?”

“Shh! Watch your mouth in here.” Olivia looked around to see if anyone had heard. She hated when Emma or Gabby cussed in public. “Yeah, he looked like he had a long night, too. I heard two other officers talking about him, saying he was sticking around, not wanting to leave the hot chick behind. I’m assuming that’s you,” Olivia said and smiled, raising one eyebrow. “I think he was off duty hours ago.”

She looked Emma over, wanting to give her an earful for drinking... and especially driving afterward. She carefully examined her from head to toe, trying to look stern.

She noticed Emma’s dress was short but classy and cute at the same time, especially with the boots she’d just recently bought during their last shopping trip with Mom. She pulled off the short dress and boots in a way only a college girl could—stylish, not trampy. Her hair hung loose, shiny and smooth and still holding a few waves, the ends still curling just above her waist.

Emma didn’t wear much makeup—she didn’t need it—but what little she had on her eyes was still neat, as if she hadn’t shed a tear. Her lips looked pouty and moist, even though bare. Emma held herself with pride, seeming much bigger than her small stature should allow. She was a beautiful woman-child at barely twenty years old, smart and full of spunk. Olivia thought back to the days when that spunk was all but gone, and she was glad Emma had found it again.

All she felt when she looked at Emma was pride—pride that she’d overcome her past and remade herself. She hadn’t let her childhood ruin her. Emma hadn’t just survived; she’d thrived.

Olivia didn’t have the heart to lecture her right now; it could wait.

“You do look pretty hot to have spent the night in jail, little sister. I’m jealous. Is that wrong?” Olivia joked.

“No, it’s fine. I just love being the target of envy,” Emma snapped back at her as she rolled her eyes and walked toward the door that would lead her home.

L.L. Akers's books