A Demon Made Me Do It

A Demon Made Me Do It By Penelope King

Demonblood Series #1

Chapter 1. Liora

Whoever says Hell is the worst place imaginable obviously never spent a day at Dove Creek High School. There needs to be an inscription on its front gates reading, “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”

Somewhere in the back of my mind is the soft hum of my teacher’s voice, but I pay no attention to his words. The clock on the wall ticks by so slowly I swear it actually stops a few times. I close my eyes and try to imagine a happier place—anywhere but here, doing anything but wasting my life pretending to belong in a world that hates me.

“According to Dante, the eighth circle is reserved for those who have committed treacherous acts of fraud and deceit…” Mr. Sodenberg drones. I love how he has the ability to make a journey through Hell seem less interesting than a trip to the dentist.

To be fair, I’d already read Inferno when I was eight years old as part of my early demonhood education. Although that was nearly nine years ago, I still have perfect recall of each and every word, as with anything else I’ve ever read. Listening to it being discussed in class is as exciting as re-learning the alphabet without all the fun of singing the catchy tune that goes along with it.

I half-open one eye to peek outside the window. Bare bones of tree branches tremble in the wind. Soon it will be winter. Soon the snow will come. Then, not only will I be stuck inside a classroom for most of the day, my lazy afternoons in the woods will be limited even more. I’ll be trapped in the small cabin I share with Tatiana, my guardian.

Trapped. Story of my life.

Trapped in this classroom, trapped in my body, trapped in the daylight, trapped in this false world. Trapped in limbo with no escape in sight.

It’s cold outside, so when my skin starts suddenly warming up, I know something’s wrong. As the sun-burning sensation slowly spreads up my neck, I begin to panic.

Oh, no. No, no, please no.

“Liora Greyson!” Mr. Sodenberg’s angry voice and a book cracking against his podium snaps me to attention. I raise my head from the cradle of my arms and shoot him an icy glare.

“What?” My voice doesn’t belong to me anymore. It sounds like me, but it’s not.

He scowls at me from behind his reading glasses. “I’m sorry if our discussion on Dante’s Inferno is interfering with your naptime.” The rest of the class titters, except for my friend Corrine Wilson, who looks at me with concern.

“Yeah, mind keeping it down? Whah Whah Whah. That’s what you sound like.” I can’t stop the words coming out. My heart sinks and I close my eyes. Realizing I still have some control over my own body, I place a hand over my mouth. But it’s too late; the damage has already been done.


Shocked gasps mix with nervous laughs and disapproving sneers. Mr. Sodenberg’s face puffs up red and his normally squinty eyes look like they’re about to pop out of their sockets.

“Principal’s office. Now.”

Great. What else is new?

“…and you tell him that you are no longer welcome in my classroom. I will not tolerate this type of behavior.”

“Yes, sir.” My hand rises to my head and gives a snappy salute before I’m able to force it back down. I grab my book bag, ignoring the superior looks from my classmates. They enjoy seeing me get in trouble, as if watching the weird-freak-girl getting punished for being a weird-freak-girl makes them feel better about their simple, ordinary lives. But no matter how strange they think I might be, they’d be terrified if they knew the real truth.

As they should be.

A cool blast of air stings my face as I trudge down the school’s breezeway. I zip up my jacket and debate walking right past the principal’s office and right off campus.

I lean against a rusted locker while weighing my options. Either deal with a smart-mouthed demon hijacking my body and getting me in trouble, or, face an angry witch waiting for me at home if I ditch again.


Dante never covered this part in his guidebook through the nine circles of Hell. He only wrote of going to a place where demons punished sinners after their deaths. Nowhere does he mention the personal hell of having to share a body with a living demon who could torment at will, but I’m sure he would have appreciated the cruel irony. Perhaps this could have been his ‘tenth circle’.

After a few moments I decide to take my chances with the principal. My body temperature feels back to normal, so I think I’m safe for now. I can only pray. The secretary, Ms. Fleming, doesn’t even ask why I’m in here, she just gives me her usual hateful glare. I take a seat on an ugly orange chair, stare at the old Civil War photographs on the wall, and ignore her dirty looks.

Principal Winters opens his door and clears his throat. “Miss Greyson, come in.” He definitely isn’t happy to see me. But that’s the reaction of most people. Some, like Ms. Fleming, openly despise me. Others try to act nice, but I can always tell they feel uncomfortable. It’s all about the eye contact—or lack thereof. People tend to look off to the side when speaking to me, or just glance for a nanosecond before averting their gaze. Maybe eyes really are the windows to the soul, and they don’t want to see how ugly mine is.

“So, Liora, what brings you here today?” He relaxes in his chair as if we’re going to have a nice chat about the weather, his eyes focusing on the wall behind me.

I actually like Mr. Winters. He sort of reminds me of Santa Claus, and unlike his repulsive secretary, he genuinely seems to care about the students. I even give him some credit for trying to be nice to me.

“I may have nodded off in English class. Mr. Sodenberg wasn’t happy about it.”

“Ahh, yes.” He nods as if he understands completely. “Are you feeling all right?”


“How are things at home?”


His smile fades. “How is your grandmother these days? I know you take care of her by yourself and that must be quite a burden for you.”

“She’s great. Absolutely no trouble at all.”

He frowns, determined to solve me…to fix me. Yeah, good luck with that.

“Are you bored in your classes, Liora?”

Why, yes. Yes I am, Principal Winters. I am bored out of my freakin’ mind! This place makes me stupider by the minute!

“No, I’m fine. Academically challenged. Intellectually stimulated.”

He ignores my sarcasm. “I’m going to be straight with you, Liora. I’m becoming very concerned with your behavior lately…”

That makes two of us…

“…this is the fourth time you’ve been sent here in the last two weeks. Skipping classes, the incident in gym…”

“I told you, that fight wasn’t my fault,” I interrupt, but there’s no point in arguing. I’m pretty sure he won’t buy my ‘a-demon-made-me-do-it’ excuse, but I’m half-tempted to say it anyway. But then he’ll just send me to the school guidance counselor again, and she’ll tell Tatiana she’s concerned with my mental health again. Tatiana will have to smooth things over again and get mad at me again. Pass.

He leans forward in his chair and shuffles some papers on his desk. “There is no question you are academically gifted. Your test scores are consistently the highest in your class and your grades impeccable, despite your apparent lack of effort. Your future is wide open for any number of incredible educational and professional opportunities, if you so desired. Yet you don’t appear to care at all, and this concerns me. You seem to enjoy mocking anyone who tries to help you. I just wish I knew where this poor attitude of yours comes from.”

Trust me, you don’t want to know. “I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better. More caring, less mocking. I promise.” I force a smile and hope that’s the end of it.

But my optimism quickly turns into dread when the familiar stinging creeps up from my stomach, over my chest, and down my arms and legs. She’s back.

I need to get away from here. Unfortunately, Principal Winters still wants to chat. He opens a file and carefully peruses its contents. I shift uncomfortably in my seat and take several deep breaths, focusing all of my energy on remaining present and in control.

I am Liora Greyson… I am Liora Greyson… I am Liora Greyson.

But Her electric threads of fire spread throughout my body like a swarm of army ants marching to battle. A battle I will lose.

“Have you given any more thought to your plans after graduation? Mrs. Collins has reported you’ve skipped all of your college prep counseling appointments. As a senior, you don’t have much time left to get your applications in. I have taken the liberty of finding some schools…”

I am Liora Greyson. I am human. I am here. This is my time, not yours…

My silent chant goes unheeded. It’s futile to ever try to fight Her. Her energy overtakes me and again I’m nothing more than a mere spectator—a silent, powerless passenger in my own body. She fixes my gaze hypnotically on Mr. Winters, who instantly freezes and stares back.

“Mister Winters, excuse me, Principal Winters, thank you for your concern, but there’s no need to worry about me anymore. I have things figured out and will be just fine. I’m leaving now, and you won’t stop me. In fact, you’ll forget you even saw me today. Everything’s cool as far as Liora Greyson is concerned. She’s your favorite student. You adore her.” My voice sounds sweeter than sugar drenched in honey.

Still holding the file in midair, Mr. Winters nods robotically.

“You may speak.”

“Th-th-thank you…th-th-thank you for c-coming in. P-please let me know if I can h-h-help you with anything…anything at all…”

“Thank you, kind sir, I’ll be sure to do that. You have a nice day, now. Ta ta,” I sing and exit his office. One look at Ms. Fleming silences her into submission, and she stares at me like a petrified toad.

Somewhere between the dried-up flower beds outside the offices and the cracked sidewalk, Her invading force recedes, allowing me to regain control. But there is no way I’m staying in school for the rest of the day with Her acting up, regardless of the consequences waiting for me at home.

Fighting back tears of frustration, I weave my way through the collection of old pick-up trucks and rusty hand-me-downs populating the student parking lot, my mind a muddled mess. Why is She showing up when it’s not her turn? Nighttime belongs to her, but the day belongs to me. And why is Tatiana forcing me to participate in this ridiculous charade of being a normal teenage girl anyway? Clearly it’s impossible. I am anything but normal and trying to act as if I am is nothing more than a masochistic exercise in futility.

But despite everything I’m feeling at this moment, it’s the helplessness that bothers me the most. Not having control over my own life. Always being at the mercy of others with powers greater than mine.

I am so freaking over it.

“Hi there, Miss…excuse me?” I don’t even notice the lanky guy leaning against the side of a shiny black pickup truck until he calls to me. I want to ignore him and keep moving, but I can’t. His voice is like an invisible lasso pulling me back.

“Yes?” I turn around slowly, wary of the stranger witnessing my mad escape. If he’s one of the school’s security guards, I’m sunk.

He slowly jogs toward me, and I roll my eyes in annoyance. This whole idea of lame, wanna-be- rent-a-cops actually providing us with any sort of ‘security’ is such a joke. All they do is bust students who don’t follow the rules. They’ll never be able to protect anyone from the real dangers lurking right under their noses.

But as he gets closer, I’m relieved to see he’s just a boy. My age. He shouldn’t care that I was ditching. I give a furtive glance around the parking lot. We’re all alone.

“Hi,” he says.

I don’t know who he is, but he’s not from around here, of that I’m certain. His shiny leather boots appear to be new and expensive and his cable-knit sweater straight off a Ralph Lauren model. But it’s the jeans that give him away. All the guys around here wear Levi’s like they’re an assigned uniform. This boy has on designer jeans. He seems out of place at a backwoods high school deep in rural Virginia. He should be strolling around a majestic estate in the English countryside or on a yacht in some ritzy ditzy marina on the coast.

“Hi,” I say, even warier now.

He grins, and his dark blue eyes catch the early morning sunlight. He’s much taller now that he’s standing right in front of me. I tilt my head to meet his amused expression. “Are you a student here?” he asks.

I shrug. “Technically, I guess.” Bring it on, Mr. Fashion Police Wanna-Be.

He chuckles, and brushes his ebony hair away from his face. “Well, then, maybe you can help me. I’m a little turned around. I’m supposed to go to the registration office to enroll for classes, but I’m not sure where it is.”

“You’re gonna start going to school here?” My pulse inexplicably speeds up at my question.

He nods. “Yup. Senior. Sucks having to start over now. Oh well.” He smiles, and I can’t help but think he could have been in a toothpaste commercial with those perfectly straight, white teeth. Definitely not from around here.

“Why would you come here?” Oh, yeah. That was smooth. I should’ve signed up to be the town greeter.

He laughs again. “Sorry?...this is Dove Creek High School, isn’t it? Home of the Fighting Spartans?” His eyes move to the large blue and white sign behind me, but never lose any of their affability.

“Well, yeah…I mean…did you just move to town or something? Like, on purpose?” Wow, am I really one of those girls who turns into a total idiot when talking to a cute guy?

“Yeah, a few weeks ago. I came to live with my uncle. He works out at the Flintridge mines. You seem so surprised. Don’t new people ever move here?”

I actually have to think about this for a moment. “Maybe, I guess. Most people just can’t wait to get out, is all. Small town. Smaller people. Not a lot going on, no reason to be here if you don’t have to be…”

Okay, I am officially one of those idiot girls. Whatever happened to ‘Hi, welcome to Dove Creek! We’re so happy you’re here. My name is Liora Greyson and I’ll be your friendly guide…’?

“I’m sure I’ll find something to keep me occupied,” he says, the twinkle back in his eyes. I like his eyes. Not just because of their cobalt color, but because they aren’t afraid of mine. “Besides, I like small towns. I’ve lived in big cities my whole life. It’s nice out here. Peaceful…quiet. You can hear yourself think.”

I scrunch my face. Why does he say that like it’s a good thing? I’d do anything not to hear the thoughts that roam through my head. Especially lately, with Her being so psychotically obsessed with suicidal vengeance.

Instead of giving him a reply that will really convince him I’m a complete freak job, I take a deep breath and point to the scene of my earlier crime. “The administration office is over there, under the archway by the flowerbeds. Go down that little path and it’s the first door on your right. Don’t pay any attention to the secretary. She’s a nasty troll with a stick up her butt.”

“Got it, thanks.” He squints as he surveys the unique architecture. “That sure is a strange looking building. It doesn’t even look like a school.”

Oh, I got this one. Only heard the story a million and a half times. “That’s because it used to be a Jesuit Monastery. It’s almost two hundred years old. Believe it or not, those are the original stained-glass windows.” I indicate the rotunda where broken colors catch the sun’s rays. “It was used as a hospital during the civil war, and afterwards they converted it into a school.”

Surprise colors his face. “You mean to tell me you go to a school that used to be a church?” he asks in disbelief.

“I don’t think a monastery is exactly the same thing as a church. Besides, it’s not like it’s a religious school now or anything…”


His reaction is confusing so I shrug again, my default response when I don’t know what to say or do. The history of Dove Creek High is a source of pride for the town-folk; I’ve never seen anyone bothered by it before. And that was my only small-talk ace up my sleeve. Great.

“Is there a place of worship in there? An altar or a prayer room?”

And now he’s freaked. Good going, Liora.

“Um…well, the building with all the stained glass windows used to be a chapel. But now we just use it as the auditorium. No one actually prays there.” Maybe’s he’s some sort of religious nut? Figures. All hot guys have a major flaw somewhere.

He considers this for a moment. “Fascinating,” he finally murmurs. When he catches my quizzical glance he quickly adds, “I just didn’t expect such a small town to have such an interesting landmark is all.”

Shrug number five. “It’s about the only interesting thing about this place. It’s all downhill from here.” Yup. I’m nothing if not consistent.

He turns his attention back to me and gives a small smile. “Somehow, I doubt that,” he says under his breath.

I blink. “Huh?”

“If you don’t mind me asking, why are you ditching?” he continues without missing a beat.

“Um…what makes you think I am?” My gaze darts around the parking lot again. How long have we been standing here? It feels like less than a second and forever at the same time.

“Well, because school is that way,” he says pointing back toward the brick buildings, “but you were headed that way.” He points to the line of trees on the other side of the road, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement.

“Oh, right. Yeah, um…I’m not feeling very well. I was just going to go home and get some rest.” I hope the lie doesn’t show in my voice. Tatiana always says I’m a terrible liar. Of course, she’s not exactly the most unbiased source.

He leans against a rusty blue pick-up truck. “Sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon. It’d be nice to have at least one familiar person here. It’s not easy being the new guy and not knowing anybody.”

I nod sympathetically while thinking how not at all sorry for him I feel. This is one boy who won’t be lonely for long. Even if the other guys in the class have a hard time accepting this big-city newcomer, the girls will swarm to him like horny bees to a very sexy honey pot. I realize this thought disturbs me.

“I’m sure you’ll do just fine,” I mumble, my mouth suddenly dry.

His eyes lock on mine, and for a split second he sees right through me; his focused attention makes me feel as if I’m standing alone on a stage under a dozen bright spotlights, vulnerable and exposed. I gulp and my heart beats faster.

“Would you like a ride home, or do you have your own car?” His voice is soft, and I’m taken aback at his question—by the way he asks it. Almost intimately, as if we’re already old friends. Many people I’ve known for years don’t talk to me with the effortless ease this strange boy does.

“No…thanks. I mean, yeah, I have a car, but it’s at home. I prefer to walk. The fresh air does me good. But thanks anyways.”

“All right, then. That way, you say?” He motions back toward the buildings. “First door on the right and beware of nasty trolls?”

“Yeah…and if you could do me a favor and not mention that you saw me, that’d be great.” I grimace as I think of the trouble waiting for me tomorrow, let alone what’s waiting for me at home later today.

He arches a dark eyebrow, and his eyes twinkle again. “Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me. Besides, I wouldn’t even know who it was I was ratting out,” he adds pointedly.

“Oh, sorry…My name is Liora. Liora Greyson.” Yes. Manners. I knew I had some somewhere.

“It’s nice to meet you, Liora. I’m Kieron Ambrose.” He holds out his hand and I automatically take it; his large, warm palm makes mine seem cold and tiny. He gives it a gentle squeeze and every cell in my body wakes up on fire. I quickly pull away, not wanting to disturb the real fire inside me.

“Nice to meet you, too. Welcome to Dove Creek…I hope you like it here.” I finally remember my welcome pitch and wish I hadn’t. It sounds even cheesier out loud than in my mind.

“I’m definitely liking it so far,” he says. His eyes never leave mine.

There’s a rolling jostle in my stomach, but I’m not afraid. This strange fluttering isn’t being caused by Her. Nervously, I tuck a stray lock of hair behind my ears and smile at my new friend.

“Good luck in there…I’ll see you tomorrow.”



“Hello, Liora. I was wondering when you’d decide to come home.” Tatiana is hunched over the stove fixing dinner as I walk in. When she turns to face me, I’m relieved to see there’s no sign of anger in her face or disapproval in her milky-white eyes.

I’d spent the rest of the day in the forest, reading by my favorite tree and thinking of Kieron. I knew it was stupid to get all excited over some guy I didn’t even know, but I couldn’t help it. There was something different about him. And the way he spoke to me and looked at me…as if I was normal…as if he actually liked me…as a person…

It had felt nice. Really nice. A girl could get used to it, that’s for sure.

Any girl but me, that is.

“Hi, Tatiana. Sorry, I lost track of the time.” I brace myself for her scolding. She easily senses my presence within a one hundred mile radius and knows exactly where I’ve been all day. But she says nothing. Instead, she continues with the food prep and hums softly to herself.

I take a seat at the table and watch her curiously. Although she’s completely blind, Tatiana moves around with the confident agility of someone with twenty-twenty vision. She perceives objects around her with an inhuman clarity, her ‘inner eyes’ as she calls it. But that’s not why I’m mystified.

“Do not apologize to me. The sun is nearly set. It is you who must hurry if you do not wish to feel ill tomorrow,” she says as she carries over two plates of steaming food.

I quickly scarf down some of the beef and potato stew, and try to figure out a way to tell her about what happened. I need answers, even if she’ll be irritated with me.

“How was your day today?” she asks right on cue.

I swallow and try to read her face. She could have been a professional poker player.

“Truthfully, not great. She showed up again today and got me in trouble in class.”

Tatiana nods. “Was it a full transformation?”

I shake my head. “No, it wasn’t like what happens at night. This was more like…an out-of-body-experience, but while I was still in it. I was aware of everything She said and did…She made me say things…I think her powers worked too, judging from how the people acted. Why is she doing that? How is she even able to? Can you make her stop?”

Tatiana slowly chews her food, and for a moment I think she might not answer me. I know how much it bothers her to always be stuck in the middle of the two of us. Finally, she dabs at the corners of her mouth with a napkin. “I will speak with Her, but I believe she is just reacting to the recent events and heightened danger. Perhaps she is staying close to the surface as a protective measure.”

“She’s not protecting me; she’s getting me in trouble!”

“You know She has difficulty distinguishing the difference. What is right for her may be entirely wrong for you.”

I make a noise that’s something between a cough and a snort. “That, right there, is the understatement of the century, Tatiana.”

“I will have a word with her...”

“Yes, please tell her to butt out of my life. If she does it one more time, I’ll find a way to wake up during her time and make her say and do something really stupid. See how much she likes it.” My threat is hollow and Tatiana knows it. She knows I do everything in my power not to wake up at night and witness the world my demon half inhabits. The only thing that keeps me from going completely insane is not knowing anything that happens from dusk to dawn. Blissful ignorance being my only saving grace in this twisted situation.

I return to my meal, but Tatiana fixates her compelling gaze on me. Great.

“What?” I mutter. If she’s still going to give me a hard time about leaving even after I explained what had happened…

“Your energy is conflicted…you speak with anger and frustration, yet there is a happy glow deep within you that was not there before. I am curious as to what caused it.”

I gulp, close my eyes, and pray Tatiana can’t sense how hot my face flushes.

“It’s nothing, really,” I mumble. Oh, please. Who am I trying to fool? Might as well spill it. “There was a new boy there today. Guess his uncle works out at the mines, so he’s going to go to school here. He’s nice, is all. Sorta cute, too.” I shove a heaping spoonful of stew into my mouth and lower my head.

She nods and tilts up her chin. “Ahh, yes. The new arrival. I sensed him several days ago. However, I was unsure as to his exact purpose, and if, in fact, your paths would meet. Destinies have yet to be written, and he is only a half, bound by the dark and embraced by the light. Free will is his, for he shan’t be at the mercy of any master if liberty is within his grasp.”

I let out an exasperated sigh. That’s the thing about Tatiana. She’ll be perfectly normal one minute, but start speaking in nonsensical riddles the next. I take a swig of some apple juice and glance out the window.

“Do you know what She’s doing tonight?” I ask, eager to change the subject.

“Taxes,” Tatiana replies. “Should be uneventful. Humans only.”

“She’s not going to be happy about that. You must know she’s completely obsessed with hunting the Amazèa demons ever since she heard they were in the area. Even when She’s not surfacing I can sometimes hear her thoughts…she’s seriously gunning for a battle. I don’t think she’ll stop just to collect some money.”

“She will, because her search is futile for now. The Amazèa have already left our territory…”

Her words fade away as the first waves of fiery tingles flush through my weakening body. My time is over. I try to push my remaining food away from me, but it’s too late. My arms have already gone limp. They are no longer mine.

My fork clanks on the floor. Everything goes dark.

When I open my eyes I’m sitting at the table across from Tatiana. She gives me a small smile.

“Hello, Lucky.”

Penelope King's books