A Very Merry Hockey Holiday (Assassins #6.5)

Her brow furrowed more before she shut down her computer. “I don’t like you today.”

“Do you ever like me?” he teased as she stood, her large belly straining beneath the sweater dress she wore. She was swollen from head to toe, but still she wore heels.

Crazy Pregnantasaurus Rex. He was going to use that more often.

“I wonder that sometimes,” she snapped, moving her hair out of her face. “I can’t even remember the reason I married you or continually make children with you.”

He knew she didn’t mean any of it, she was just…pregnant.

“’Cause I’m good in bed,” he said with a wink and she glared.

“Ugh, I am so stressed out and my body aches and I really don’t want to go sit in the rink because it hurts my back and ugh, Lucas, stop looking at me like that!”

He smiled. “You look beautiful,” he cooed at her as she waddled toward him.

She rolled her eyes. “If you think fat is beautiful, then yeah, I’m that.”

“Stop,” he barked at her as she slid her arms into the jacket he held open for her. “You’re scaring the employees, the kids, hell, everyone.”

“But you,” she challenged and he grinned.

“Except me. I know how to handle you. This isn’t my first rodeo.”

“Well, it will be your last,” she warned as she let out a breath.

Kissing her neck, he wrapped his arms around her waist, his hands barely touching as he massaged his growing child. Kissing her again, he chuckled before whispering, “Did you know that I think you are the most gorgeous woman in the world?”

He saw her cheeks pull back in a small smile, but he knew it wasn’t that easy. “You have to say that so I’ll continue to sleep with you.”

He chuckled against her jaw before dusting it slowly with kisses. “Never. You’ll sleep with me no matter what.”

“Maybe,” she grumbled and he grinned, kissing her neck again.

“And the reason you married me is because you are totally devoted to me,” he whispered again, his fingers dancing along where that was written along her wrist.

Totally devoted. It was their thing. Something he treasured.

Leaning against his face, she kissed his jaw. “You’re right.”

“I know, only happens sometimes,” he said, kissing her again. Holding her tightly, he could feel every single bit of her tension. He hated that. She needed to be calm and stress-free. It couldn’t be healthy for his new baby girl if her mother was stressed.

“What can I do to make you happy, Fallon?” he asked, his hands slowly going down her stomach to her thighs. She took in a sharp breath before leaning her head back against his shoulder, her body weight strong against him. It was nothing to him, though. He was pretty sure he could pick her up and take her against the wall, but of course, for the safety of their child, he wouldn’t do that. But he would play. He would try to relieve some stress from his gorgeous wife. He would do just about anything for her.

“I mean, I like the direction your hands are going, but aren’t our children in the car?”

He nodded, tracing kisses up her neck. “They are, but Stella is sleeping and Aiden and Asher are playing their DSs. I can at least make you come real quick if it will make you happy.”

Letting out a breath, she laced her fingers with his as she melted against him. Everyone thought she was crazy and mean, and yeah, she was, but with him, he could have her purring like a kitten in seconds. “Just being in your arms makes me happy.”

He scoffed. “Liar. What do you want? Oreos and an orgasm?”

Toni Aleo's books