Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

Finding an organ donor was like winning the lottery. It could take months and the match had to be near perfect and the perfect candidates were usually the parents.

“Sheldon, Keenan won’t die. He’s too much of a rebel for that. Did they test John to see if he’s a match?”

“Yes and they pulled his mother’s medical records from his birth to check for any record of family medical problems and all that other crap doctor’s do.” The line grew silent so I checked my phone to see if we were still connected.


“John wasn’t a match.”

“Damn. He must have taken his mother’s blood type. So how long does he have before it becomes critical?”

“Lake, you don’t understand,” she said, her sobs becoming heavier.

“What don’t I understand?” Sheldon sounded near hysterical now.

“John’s blood was type AB and when they pulled Sophia’s medical records they found out that her blood was type A.”

I frowned when I couldn’t make the connection. “I wasn’t all that great with Biology you’re going to have to help me out here.”

“Keenan is blood type O. Parents with blood type AB and A can only produce a child with A, B, or AB.”

“Oh shit, so you mean –”

“John isn’t Keenan’s father.”

“But that’s insane! If John isn’t Keenan’s father then it has to be – oh God…”

“Mitch,” Sheldon finished.


Author’s Note

Thank you so much for purchasing Fear Me. Creating the characters and making the story come to life has truly been the best journey of my life. If you enjoyed it, please leave a review on my Amazon account and my Goodreads author page. I love to hear from readers, so please feel free to email me at [email protected] at any time. You can also join me on Facebook and follow me on twitter to be notified of new releases and teasers.

B.B. Reid's books