On the Clock (Market Garden, #8)

“I know it did. But I’m glad you emailed me this morning.”

“Me too. I’m glad you came back.”

“Wild horses couldn’t have kept me away.” Blake cupped Jason’s cheek. “I have no idea how any of this will go. All I know is that I love you.”

Jason smiled. “I love you too. Everything else . . . we’ll cross those bridges when we get there.” He chewed his lip. “But, um, what about what you said in the club? About giving me your name? I assume that was a roundabout way of suggesting getting married.”

Blake’s cheeks burned. “Yeah, it was. And I . . . I mean, I wasn’t joking, but I didn’t mean . . .” He sighed. “Yes, I said it in the heat of the moment. But yes, it has crossed my mind.”

Jason swallowed.

“It isn’t something to worry about now.” Blake kissed Jason’s fingers. “Maybe it’s something to think about for the future, but . . .”

Squeezing Blake’s hand, Jason smiled. “Another bridge to cross when we get there?”

“Yeah.” Blake released Jason’s hand and draped his arm over him. “When we get there.”

Jason kissed him lightly. “So how much will a first-class ticket to America cost me?”

Blake took a breath, ready to tell him it wouldn’t cost him a thing, but the gleam in Jason’s eyes gave him pause. He swept his tongue across his lips. “That depends. What are you offering?”

Jason’s eyes narrowed, sending a shiver right down to Blake’s toes. Trailing his fingertips along Blake’s side, he said, “How about this: I’ll start, and you tell me when I’ve earned that ticket.”

Blake slid his hand up to the back of Jason’s neck, and as they pulled each other closer and Jason’s skin warmed his, Blake grinned.

And just before their lips met, he whispered, “You’ve got a deal.”