Get Me (The Keatyn Chronicles, #7)

“What do you mean?”

“I’m pregnant, Aiden.”


I laugh at him. “Um, I think you know how.”

He lowers his voice. “But you're on the pill.”

“Remember about six months ago when you said I should go off it and see what happens?”

“You did?”

“Yeah, I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want the pressure of trying. I was hoping it would just happen. Honestly, I was starting to worry that I couldn’t get pregnant.”

“You shouldn’t have worried,” he says, holding up my palm. “You know we’re having four kids. It’s fate.”

“Maybe sorta like fate,” I add with a laugh.

He holds my hands tightly and looks into my soul. “Are you really pregnant?”

“Only a few weeks, but, yes, I took a test this morning and it was positive.”

He has the same shocked look on his face as he did when I kicked the soccer ball past him.

Then a smile starts to form, the corners of his mouth turning upward.

Which turns into the full-wattage powerful godlike smile that still makes me swoon.

“Come on, beautiful. Let’s get going so we can tell everyone the good news.”

As we drive to the fashion show, the moon slides into view.

I make another wish on it.

That my little hottie baby gets daddy’s smile.

Exclusive Interview:

Captive Films’ Keatyn Douglas and Riley Johnson

“Keatyn, tell us how Captive Films got its start.”

“Our first project was a remake of A Day at the Lake, starring Luke Sander as Vince, myself as Lacy, and Jake Worth as my boyfriend, Matt.”

“That movie was a box office hit. And you were both how old at the time?”

“Almost eighteen,” Riley says. “We filmed it over our summer break.”

“How did you come up with the name Captive Films?”

Sexy Riley rubs the scruff on his face and says, “It was a nod to both holding our audiences captive and how we met.”

“How you met?”

They share an inside joke, then Keatyn says, “You’ll just have to see the movie.”

So there it is, folks. Go see the trilogy that’s taking box offices around the world by storm.