Femme Fatale (Pericolo #1)

Zane doesn’t speak until I’m released and back by Carlo’s side. The look he uses on Carmello after is truly frightening. He’s heaving with such aggression, fuelled by rage. This is a side to Zane I have never experienced before.

“Don’t ever think you know a fucking thing about me,” Zane spits at Carmello, tossing the hammer aside. He leans in, making Carmello cower a little. “Touch something that isn’t yours again, I’ll make sure the reminder is far more life limiting.” He stands up straight, taking the diamond pouch from the floor and turns to me. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” I croak, pushing them away. I see the look he fixes me with, and I crack a little. “I’m fine!”



My partner in crime, you are always there for me whenever times get a little to GRR inducing. Your love of this book blew me away as it always does. I’m so pleased to have one of my best friends support and love my work as much as you do! You keep me sane on my craziest of days and I couldn’t do without my vents, bitching moments, and the giggles I have with you.


The Georgie to my Poppy! You have literally blown into my life and given me so many giggles, so much support, and so, so much love. And the best thing is - I feel like I’ve known you forever!

I’m, also, still pleased with myself that I broke the pickiest reader I’ve met, and I will love you forever because I can now, proudly, say – I won Jade over!

Here’s hoping book two does the same!


My crazy, amazing Scot! Thank you for jumping on this journey with me and loving the book even though it’s not your ‘normal’ type of thing to read. Your friendship means to world to me and I’m not sure I’d survive without the bitch fests or the ogling at hot men in my life! Thank you for being an amazing friend, Tracy!


Thank you again for being a lifesaver and allowing me to call you my editor. You have done a fantastic job of not only editing, but respecting deadlines and being quick to work on tight schedules. You deserve a medal! (Just excuse the errors here! LOL)


KirstyAnne Still is a twenty-three year old writer from Kent in the south east of England. Having found a love for writing in 2009, Kirsty dreamt of pursuing her writing. She allowed it to consume her life in the form of wild ideas scrawled onto post-it notes, scraps of papers, whichever surface is first available!

She spends her time with family, friends, working and dreaming about her next best novel idea! Always been a soft touch for romance, Kirsty cannot withhold from having a strong romantic touch to her books, regardless of how dangerous the plot can become!

After being just another Fanfiction writer, Kirsty found the self-belief to step out from writing someone else’s characters and writing her own. Even though A Fire That Burns was an adaptation from a Fanfiction she had written years before, The Viper Series was a trilogy that added to a long line of original work that is yet to be finished – blame it on the overactive imagination!

Writing is a lifeline. She now loves creating a world that others can literally fall into and love as much as she does. She loves having the control to make a whole new world. It’s like a dependency, and an addictive one! As much as she complains, Kirsty does love the mini dialogues that go on in her head, the plotlines that attack her when she least expects them to, and the excitement that comes with a brand-spanking-new idea! The ones that jump to life at the most inappropriate times and drive her totally crazy!!

For now, Kirsty splits her life between writing, dreaming, working, and volunteering with children.

Kirsty-Anne Still's books