Black Sands (Aloha Reef #2)

Several writer friends proofed Hawaiian details for me. Special thanks to Hawaii resident Malia Spencer and former resident Carrie Turansky.

No story reaches its potential without good editors. Much as we’d like to think we can do it ourselves, the truth is that if you read a great story, it’s because that author had great editors. I have the best out there. Ami McConnell at WestBow Press has a great eye for characterization and the deeper meaning behind so many things in the finished product—from the cover to the narrative. She helps me dig deeper and strengthen the theme and characters. I’m also blessed to work with Erin Healy, who catches everything and helps me make sure the plot and characterization hang together right. I don’t know how she does it, but I’m so grateful.

I’m so blessed to be part of the entire WestBow team: Allen Arnold, Ami McConnell, Jenny Baumgartner, Amanda Bostic, Lisa Young, Scott Harris, Jennifer Deshler, and Caroline Craddock. Thanks, everyone!

My agent, Karen Solem, is many things in my life—friend, mentor, seat-of-the-pants-kicker, and cheerleader. Thanks, Karen!

My family has been a huge part of the Aloha Reef series. We have gone on two research trips to Hawai’i, and my children, David Jr. and Kara, are my sources for details about diving and fish. My husband, David, is my biggest fan and patiently researches with me and helps in my writing from editing to plotting. Love you all!

Writing used to be a lonely business. My critique buddies and friends, Kristin Billerbeck, Diann Hunt, Denise Hunter, and Carol Cox are my confidantes, encouragers, and brainstormers extraordinaire. I couldn’t do without them. Thanks, girls!

I can’t believe all that God has done in my life, and I praise him for it. This has been a journey so worth taking with him at my side.

Colleen Coble's books