Waking the Zed

Last Words

Dear readers, thanks for riding along with Pam as she witnesses the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse. Many books and movies have suggested that the plague originated from military experiments, asteroid strikes, a natural pandemic, or simple bad karma, but we know the truth now! It was all crazy Dr. Ada Klein and her cryonics company.

If you want to read more, look for THE TWICE DEAD on Amazon.

I appreciate you more than you know! If you have any questions or comments, you can find me at : http://mlkatz.blogspot.com/ - my author website. I also have a Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ML-Katz/271025419694831 .

About Feedback:

You are also free to leave feedback and comments on the website where you found this book. I understand that reviews on these websites are for readers, and not for authors, but I still appreciate your feedback.

Please remember that Hemingway said that it was easy to write a novel – All you have to do is sit at a typewriter and bleed – of course, now we have computers.

I added two more chapters to Waking the Zed in response to reader feedback and questions. I created The Twice Dead because readers told me they wanted more.

Will there be more Waking the Zed stories?

Of course, The Twice Dead continues this story. You can find The Twice Dead by ML Katz on Amazon.

I hope to continue this adventure as, like real life, it hardly seems concluded. For the moment, the fate of Pam Stone and the world only exist in our imaginations. I left some clues about the group’s future, and I’d love the chance to see if our friends will have any luck following them. To Luck!

Did I write any other books?

Thanks for asking. I am the author of Raft People and The Information Thieves. You can find them both an Amazon by following the links in the front of this book. Raft People is currently in redevelopment by Permuted Press – so expect some changes. It’s only fair to warn you.

The easiest way to learn more is to visit the ML Katz author page on Amazon.

My current blog sits here: http://mlkatz.blogspot.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ML-Katz/271025419694831

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MLKatz2

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6523643.M_L_Katz

Please stop by and chat.

One more thing……

Stay Safe,

Be Prepared,

Be Cool,

Enjoy Yourself!

ML Katz

ML Katz's books