The Wolf King

Demetri clenched his jaw as he turned to leave, but his father’s words stopped him in his tracks.

“Be wary of young Justin. The human has gained your brother’s interest.”

Demetri whirled around. “What are you saying, old man?”

Hans’s electric-blue eyes blazed as he stepped closer, the hem of his robes scraping over the stone floor. “You took interest in the human when he was a mere ten winters old. In doing so, you made him vulnerable to Elron.”

“I took pity on someone who had nothing.” But Demetri had always known there was something special about Justin Vlore. He could never put his finger on what that something was. His interests were never sexual, but one who cared about another who suffered misfortune.

Though lately Demetri had started taking a different notice in the human.

His wolf damn near purred whenever the young human was around. Never would he reveal that to his father. The man was full of darkness and would more than likely try to find a way to exploit Demetri’s growing feelings for Justin.

“Nevertheless, he is now in Elron’s sights,” Hans said a little too happily as he moved his hands over a crystal ball. That was his only connection to the outside world, to the human world as well. Demetri had spells over Frost Manor to stop his father from seeing inside. “I would protect the young human if I were you, Demetri. Elron isn’t known for backing down once he takes an interest in someone.”

Demetri remembered all too well. It was the love of a human woman who had drove Elron mad. She had betrayed Demetri’s brother and, in doing so, robbed Demetri of a loving brother and forced Elron to fully accept his beast. Elron hated humans with a passion now. The woman had found out about Elron’s werewolf counterpart and had cursed the man, shouting profanity at him and telling him that she never wanted to see Elron again. Pregnant, she’d gone into hiding, and no one had seen her since. Mary. Demetri had only known her first name.

That had been forty years ago. Ever since then, Elron seemed to focus on loving couples, killing them, tearing them apart. Demetri knew he couldn’t save his brother, but he at least wanted to stop Elron from killing anyone else.

“Thanks for nothing, old man.” Demetri spun on his heel and headed out. As soon as he emerged into the library, Wulf was waiting for him.

“We have trouble.”

Just what Demetri didn’t need. “What now?”

“Master Caleb and Mistress Justin are gone.” Wulf held up his phone. “Got a call from one of the pack members. They spotted the boys in the city, heading toward the old asylum.”

Demetri cursed. One, Caleb and Justin shouldn’t be going to an abandoned place where vampires or werewolves who were not of Demetri’s pack could be waiting. Two, Justin had no idea that Elron had taken an interest in him. And three, Wulf was calling Justin mistress. That only meant one thing. Wulf was already recognizing Justin as belonging to their alpha.

Although in the human world the title was used for females, in Demetri’s world, the word mistress held no gender. It was used as respect to the alpha’s partner—whether that be male or female. It was an honorific title that a lot of werewolves would kill to own. Demetri was the werewolf king, the first born of his kind.

“Bring the car around,” Demetri said.

Wulf smiled. “Way ahead of you.”

The two got into the car parked out front and took off after Caleb and Justin. Demetri sat in back, grinding his molars at his son’s irresponsible ways. He was going to have a long talk with the young wolf about putting Justin in harm’s way.

When they pulled up to the asylum, Demetri’s heart leapt into his throat. There were three fully shifted werewolves heading up the front stairs. Wulf came to a grinding stop as Demetri jumped from the car. The werewolves spun, snarling and snapping their teeth.

Elron’s pack. Demetri recognized his brother’s scent on the wolves.

“Go get Caleb and Justin,” he ordered Wulf. “I’ll handle these mutts.”

Mutts, a term used for werewolves who had embraced their beasts, no longer able to shift back into their human forms. Demetri knew what they were by the red glow of their eyes. The only way for their irises to transform into the crimson color was for the werewolves to go longer than a month in total werewolf form. They would never know the kiss of a lover or be able to laugh again. Until they died, they would remain as they were, beasts.

Lynn Hagen's books