The Wolf King

“What about Aberdeen?” Justin asked.

“You really do know how to kill a mood,” Demetri groused. “He’ll be taken care of, but I’m not sharing the details with you. You’ve been through enough.”

Justin shuddered. “I don’t want any details.” And that was the god’s honest truth. Justin shoved Aberdeen from his mind as he turned on his heel and walked from Demetri’s study. He glanced over his shoulder and batted his eyelashes. “Are you coming?”

His lover chuckled as he pulled his tie free and tossed it aside. “With you, multiple times.”

Justin blushed as he raced up the stairs, happier than he had ever been. Change was inevitable, and he knew this. His life had changed drastically in a short amount of time. He had a father who he wanted to know better, a best friend who was no longer at Frost Manor, and a lover he had lusted after for so many years that he still couldn’t believe that Demetri was his.

Howls erupted outside as Demetri pulled Justin into his strong arms and showed Justin how truly he was loved.


Lynn Hagen's books