High Stakes Gamble

Chapter Eight

“If you want to hit me, go ahead. I won’t blame you—or stop you.” Kai wavered slightly while trying to stand tall.

“Came close to hospitalizing you until I stopped to see Bob Powers and found out you were just released. Even though he filled me in, we still need to have a talk.” Cory put his hand out signalling Kai toward the sofa.

Stubborn, Kai stood his ground and hoped Cory would get it over with. It still hurt to stand for any length of time. “I imagine your fists will reveal most of what you want to express.”

“Quit acting like a jerk; sit down before you fall down.”

Cory’s easy mood finally caught Kai’s attention and he gave in and looked Cory in the eye. What he saw made him catch his breath. Anger he could handle. Pity wasn’t planned for.

Stumbling, he jerked backward and couldn’t stop the hiss he made from the jolt of pain that burned in his chest. Where the hell did he put those pills? He moved to the table where he’d thrown his black bag and rummaged inside for the bottle.

Before he could stop him, Cory took over and found them, then headed into the kitchen area for a glass of water. “Kai, sit your butt down or you’ll end up hurting yourself.”

“I’m okay.”

“Sure you are. Just so you know, you give me a hard time and I’ll deliver your sorry ass back to the hospital and be happy to leave you there.”

Kai, who knew truth when he heard it, slid his body back on the sofa, then meekly accepted the pill and the water.

Cory sat near him. “Why? Why’d you leave? And don’t play stupid games or I’ll walk out and you’ll never see me again.”

Kai swallowed. Tired to the depths of his very soul, he answered without hesitation. “I had to leave when Aurora killed Rhondo. Hell, I knew I couldn’t have looked at her and hidden the anger.” He groaned in disgust. “I know now how asinine I acted but I couldn’t shake the bullshit feeling that she’d played me for a fool. I’d chosen her and a bright new future, and she’d taken my shot, Goddammit! Sometimes a man doesn’t realize he hasn’t grown up until he’s tested.” Kai let his head fall back against the leather.

Cory nodded in agreement. “You got that right!” He relaxed his shoulders and rubbed his knees. “In case you didn’t know, you have a daughter called Lily Tamryn Morelli.” Cory voice betrayed his love for the child.

“Aurora had a girl?”


An incredible feeling of joy burst over Kai once again. He was a father. A little girl called Lily lived in this world because of him. She had his blood running through her veins, maybe some of his features. And she carried his sister’s name. God Aurora, you were always too good for me anyway.

Wait till his mother finds out she’s a grandmother. Jesus H Christ he wished he could celebrate.

“I’m a father,” was what he said instead, awe ringing in his shaken voice.

“Not yet. A father loves his kids by kissing them at night and hugging them whenever he can. He watches their teeth rip through the gums and worries himself sick when they cry from the pain. He—”

“Stop it! God have mercy. I can’t handle this right now. I’d rather you just punch my lights out than torture me this way.” Kai raised his arm to cover his eyes. No way could he stop the emotion from gathering and no f*cking way he wanted to share. Not even with a man he respected as much as he did Cory Ashton.

It seemed that his agony reached Cory who patted his knee and also settled back, giving him the time he needed to gain a veneer of composure.

Finally he could talk again. “Tell me.”

“There’s a lot to say. Some you won’t like.”

Weariness washed over him but he pushed it away. “Tell me anyway,” he begged.

Mimi Barbour's books