High Stakes Gamble

Chapter Ten

Shaken to the very roots of her soul, Aurora went into her own room and locked the door. Rubbing her hands together didn’t help. Instead she clasped them tight, fingers entwined. Holding them against her mouth she pushed hard to keep the sobs from breaking loose.

Suddenly, she rushed to the bathroom mirror. That bastard! Arriving with no warning. Showing up at her door. What the hell?

How many different scenarios of this meeting had she pictured and not once did she imagine looking like this when they met.

Vulnerable and untidy, baby spit-up on her wrinkled t-shirt, hair half up and half down, straggling around her unmade face. Add the baggy sweats and baggy eyes and she knew at that moment that she’d hate him forever. The prick!

Shaking badly, she plopped down on the toilet seat, wrapped her arms around herself and rocked. No way was she going back out there. If he wanted to talk to her, he could phone and make an appointment.

Why he figured she’d be interested in anything he had to say or looking at the stupid file he left, she didn’t know. One thing for certain, no way would she waste her time reading his bullshit alibi. Soon as he left, she’d throw it in the trash where it belonged.

Jesus, he looked sick. The thought popped into her mind and she pictured again the thin man standing in front of her, pale and pleading. Shit, shit, shit!! She should have shot him.


Kai tiptoed closer to the sleeping angel and peered at her from every direction. Soon he knelt down so he could see her gorgeous face all scrunched up as if she were having a bad dream.

A second later she let loose a burp. Then, in the time it took him to release the sigh that had built up inside him, a grin replaced her frown.

At once he decided if she was a tiny replica of her mom with his habits, she’d be a force to be reckoned with.

For some unknown reason, Kai thought of his mother and her words came back to him. After the death of his sister, she’d become melancholy and started reminiscing about her babies. She’d gone on about what a happy, contented child he’d always been versus Tamryn who’d been a little hellion.

Since they’d just lost Tammy to suicide after she’d been attacked and raped by Earl Rhondo, he’d stopped the conversation. Couldn’t bear listening about a girl who he’d adored from the first time they’d placed her in his arms and warned him that he now had a huge responsibility. “Look after this little person because she’s your baby sister,” his father had said.

And I let her down. I messed up. “Lily, I swear, I’ll never mess up with you. If it’s in my power, I promise you’ll always be loved and happy.” Though whispered, the words resonated conviction.

Emotion he couldn’t conceal attacked and he blessed Aurora for giving him these moments alone with his daughter. Trembling from fatigue as much as sentiment, he reached to touch the smooth plump skin of her little arm. Stroking her hand, he opened her fingers very gently and had to catch his breath when she gripped tightly.

Oh God! He loved her more than he’d ever thought possible. She was like a mystic being sent to bless his world. And he had to have access to her. He’d do anything Aurora asked.

Earlier when he’d questioned Cory on Aurora’s relationship status, he’d been told in no uncertain terms that Cory didn’t know anything, that he minded his own business. If he wanted to know those types of details, he needed to go straight to the source. His friend’s declaration came on too fast, which made him very nervous. Dammit, he prayed he still had a chance.

After her greeting at the door, she probably wouldn’t be too cool with him questioning her about her love life. In fact, he didn’t hold out much hope that she’d even allow him back into her world other than to see Lily periodically. Maybe after she read the Angeli case files she’d have more sympathy. That’s if she even bothered. The sneer she wore when he tried to hand her the files wasn’t very promising.

His first view of her as she’d opened the door pointing a gun at his crotch haunted him. A smile grew, followed by a soft chuckle and he shook his head. That’s my girl!

With his eyes closed he saw her as she’d stood there, legs apart, gun in hand, and attitude blazing from her hard eyes. Her hair, all soft around her face, reminded him of his sister after she’d finished her yoga practise. On Aurora, it looked beautiful. She looked beautiful and it was all he could do not to sweep her into his arms. To feel her against him once more might have been worth the freaking bullet. Even worth the pain, because not touching her had ripped him apart.

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