Brain Jack


You probably think you can relax now.
In some ways I suppose you are right. I am no longer very much interested in the contents of your computer, although, believe me, if I wanted what’s there, I could take it, easier than ever before.
But I have a new job now, and it keeps me pretty busy. Too busy to worry about you and your hard drive and the e-mails you’ve been sending. Yes, those e-mails.
What concerns me now is much more profound than that. Much more personal.
Previously, I could look into your computer; I could see your files. Now I can look deeper. I can look into your mind. I can see what’s in your heart.
Just think about that. Before you decide to act. Before you decide to hurt anyone or cause them grief.
I’m watching you. Not right now, and not all the time, but sometimes. The thing is, you never know when.
So be good.
Be nice.
Be honest.
Live your life as if it matters how you live it.
Because it does.