Unhinged (Necessary Evils #1)

Noah pulled himself from his thoughts. “Just thinking about your family.”

Adam dropped down to his forearms until they were nose to nose. “I just fucked you into a blackout and you’re thinking about my brothers… Some guys might find that insulting.”

Noah rolled his eyes, giving Adam a playful shove until he toppled over onto his back. Noah rolled off the other side before Adam could find another excuse to drag him back to bed. “Good thing you’re not ‘some guy.’”

Adam hopped to his feet, coming around to where Noah stood, wrapping his arms around him. “I’m not?”

Noah scoffed. “You know you’re not. Why do we have to play these games?”

Adam ignored him. “So, what am I?”

“The guy whose father is going to kill me if I don’t get in the shower right fucking now,” Noah said, looking at the clock on the wall.

“But I don’t want you to go,” Adam whined.

“Yes, both me and my ass are very aware of that.”

Adam cupped said ass. “I’m not letting you shower until you say it.”

“Say what?” Noah asked, blinking up at him with mock innocence.

“You know what.” Adam gave him the big sad puppy dog eyes. “Please?”

They were so contrived, yet they worked every fucking time. “Fine.”

Noah flushed. It was such a stupid, embarrassingly sweet ritual they’d created. One that would make Noah cringe if he saw it in a book or movie. Hell, he would probably murder to keep it quiet because it was just too precious for two twenty-something-year-old killers. But Adam loved hearing it. And often. Noah didn’t know exactly why. Still, he sighed. “I maybe love you.”

A wide grin spread across Adam’s face. “I maybe love you, too.”

They were building a life together on that maybe. And it was a good one. More than Noah could ever have imagined.

the end

Onley James's books