The Same Sky


Kara Cesare, I am blessed to have your sharp editorial insight and your enthusiasm and love for my characters. You dream of Carlos and Junior, but every author dreams of an editor like you.



Many thanks to Ben Tisdel, Jenny Hart, Paula Disbrowe, Claiborne Smith, Stacy Franklin, Erin Kinard, Laurie Duncan, Dalia Azim, Mary Helen Specht, Erin Courtney, Samin Nosrat, Jodi Picoult, Dr. Joe Gonzales, John Mueller, Daniel Vaughn, Nina Schmidt Sells, Ellen Sussman, Leah Stewart, Jennifer Hershey, Kim Hovey, Libby McGuire, Gina Centrello, Benjamin Dreyer, Liza Bennigson, Sarah McKay, Mary-Anne and Peter Westley, Barbara and Larry Meckel, and my beloved barbecue research team, Nora, Harrison, Ash, and Tip Meckel.



Para todos los ni?os que han compartido sus historias conmigo: gracias por ense?arme el verdadero significado de la fe. Deseo que todos los que lean esta novela aprendan de su valentía, y que, un día, todos Uds. encuentren su hogar.

Amanda Eyre Ward's books