The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

293 Isaac Arnsdorf, “Trump’s Vaccine Czar Refuses to Give up Stock in Drug Company Involved in His Government Role,” Propublica (Sept. 23, 2020),

294 “At HELP Hearing, Warren Draws Attention to Vaccine Czar Conflicts of Interest; FDA Director Agrees Financial Conflicts of Interest Could ‘Affect Public Perception’ of the Vaccine Development Process,” Elizabeth Warren Press Release (Sept. 23, 2020),

295 Nicholas Florko, “New document reveals scope and structure of Operation Warp Speed and underscores vast military involvement,” STAT (Sept. 28, 2020),

296 Ibid.

297 Washington Post Live, “Coronavirus: Vaccine Distribution with Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Paul Ostrowski,” Washington Post (December 7, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. EST),

298 A graphic from the “IQT Quarterly” summer 2010 issue on the new modalities in sampling and sensing collection. Graphic: IQT Quarterly

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What I have described in the preceding chapters can seem overwhelming and dispiriting. The forced-vaccine campaign and other cruel actions by Dr. Fauci and his acolytes might seem “too big to fail.” But that is up to the citizens of our country.

We can bow down and comply—take the jabs, wear the face coverings, show our digital passports on demand, submit to the tests, and salute our minders in the Bio-surveillance State.

Or we can say No. We have a choice, and it is not too late.

COVID-19 is not the problem; it is a problem, one largely solvable with early treatments that are safe, effective, and inexpensive.

The problem is endemic corruption in the medical-industrial complex, currently supported at every turn by mass-media companies. This cartel’s coup d’etat has already siphoned billions from taxpayers, already vacuumed up trillions from the global middle class, and created the excuse for massive propaganda, censorship, and control worldwide. Along with its captured regulators, this cartel has ushered in the global war on freedom and democracy. Playwright and essayist C. J. Hopkins describes the moment all too well:

There is nothing subtle about this process. Decommissioning one ‘reality’ and replacing it with another is a brutal business. Societies grow accustomed to their ‘realities.’ We do not surrender them willingly or easily. Normally, what’s required to get us to do so is a crisis, a war, a state of emergency, or . . . you know, a deadly global pandemic.

During the changeover from the old ‘reality’ to the new ‘reality,’ the society is torn apart. The old ‘reality’ is being disassembled and the new one has not yet taken its place. It feels like madness, and, in a way, it is. For a time, the society is split in two, as the two ‘realities’ battle it out for dominance. ‘Reality’ being what it is (i.e., monolithic), this is a fight to the death. In the end, only one ‘reality’ can prevail.

This is the crucial period for the totalitarian movement. It needs to negate the old ‘reality’ in order to implement the new one, and it cannot do that with reason and facts, so it has to do it with fear and brute force. It needs to terrorize the majority of society into a state of mindless mass hysteria that can be turned against those resisting the new ‘reality.’ It is not a matter of persuading or convincing people to accept the new ‘reality.’ It’s more like how you drive a herd of cattle. You scare them enough to get them moving, then you steer them wherever you want them to go. The cattle do not know or understand where they are going. They are simply reacting to a physical stimulus. Facts and reason have nothing to do with it.

As we consider the unprecedented bludgeoning of our Constitution over the past two years, it’s worth pausing to remember the smallpox epidemic that stalled Washington’s army during the Revolution and the malaria contagion that culled the Army of Virginia. Though both alerted the Framers to the deadly and disruptive potential of infectious disease epidemics, the Framers nevertheless opted to include no pandemic exception to the United States Constitution.

Yet today, the pandemic is being used to create a string of new exceptions to our Constitution. We are given just one rationale to explain everything that is happening: COVID. For just a brief moment, let’s look away from the ostensible reason things are happening, and focus instead on what is happening.

Those controlling the levers of power vilify dissenters and punish every attempt at questioning, skepticism, and debate. Like all tyrants in history, they ban books, silence artists, condemn writers, poets, and intellectuals who question the new orthodoxies. They have outlawed gatherings and forced citizens to wear masks that instill fear and divide communities, and atomized any sense of solidarity by preventing the most subtle and eloquent nonverbal communication for which God and evolution gave humans forty-two facial muscles.

Robert F. Kennedy's books