Resolution (Mason Family, #5)

S.L. Scott cheered me on virtually as I made my way to The End. She’s the kind of friend that claps when you win, picks you up when you’re down, and sends you pumpkin spice things because she saw them at Trader Joes. Thank you for making me think I could do this again. Thank you even more for your enthusiasm when I finished.

I wrote so much of this book with Jessica Prince. So many mornings, I got out of bed, made coffee, and then met Jessica on Zoom to write the words. I showed up because she showed up. Isn’t that what friendship is about? Thanks for showing up for me, Jess. Thanks for everything.

I would be remiss if I didn’t thank the people behind the scenes that keep things going. Kaitie Reister, Ebbie Moresco, and Stephanie Gibson—a big, huge thank you for all you do.

A couple of years ago, I was at a book signing in California and met Atlee Hayes. She was so shy and adorable. I had no way of knowing how much she’d come to mean to me in such a short time. Not only is she massively talented and overly creative, she’s also filled with energy, kindness, and enthusiasm. She’s the best kind of people. Thank you for stopping by to see me that day, Atlee, and for being such a bright part of my life. You inspire me and I’m grateful to know you. Also, I’m sorry for all of the torture. Kind of.

I’d also like to thank Lara Petterson for all the things. You never fail to come up with great ideas and you always know how to get things done. I respect that. I love you.

A big thank you to the top contributors per the analytics in Books by Adriana Locke at the time of publication: Lindsey Riley, Yamara Martinez, KJ Ryan, Kim Wagner Robin, Charlene Chua, Debbie Foster Berrier, Ada Undis, Sara Hubbard, and Sabrina Hayes. Thank you for always keeping the conversation going!

Oh, Books by Adriana Locke (my Facebook group). Where do I begin? The fun we’ve had leading up to this release will never be forgotten. You cheered me on, teased each other, created your own series endings and fed me with your energy and love while I worked on this book. You truly are the greatest group online and I’m honored to be your leader. (Am I your leader? Some days I’m not so sure! Ha!) Here’s to more books and fun!

To all of my readers, bloggers, vloggers, TikTokers—THANK YOU. I know you have a million choices of books to read. Thank you for choosing mine.