Reclaiming the Sand

Reclaiming the Sand - A. Meredith Walters


I am an ugly person.

I do ugly things.

I think ugly thoughts.

You will hate me.

You will detest the choices that I have made.

You won’t understand me at all.

You may feel some sympathy. A shred of sadness for the woman I’ve become. It’s hard not to feel bad for the person who has fallen so far.

But you will love him.

It’s hard not to.

He is everything that I’m not.

He is good. He is kind. He cares for others deeply and absolutely.

He is talented. He is shy. He is smart in ways I can only dream of.

He loves with all of his heart.

He believes when I refute. He succeeds when I fail. He blooms when I shrivel up and die.

Why does a man like this want a woman like me?

It’s blasphemous. Improbable. Completely wrong.

But he does.

He sees the beauty where others don’t. He hears love when others only hear pain. He gives me the strength to become the person I’ve been terrified to be.

You will hate me.

You will love him.

I love him.

He has changed my world.

A. Meredith Walters's books