Overlord (Galactic Kings #1)

Mal felt a surprising prick of tears. Ack. She wasn’t going to cry. “I love you, Rhain. And I really think I’ll come to love your planet, too.”

She was already falling for it. She trained daily with Thadd, learning to wield her charged sword. Rhain was having her own set of kilwar blades crafted just for her. She sat in some of the classrooms with the school children, learning the history of Zhalto. She wandered the markets, buying loads of flowers and instruments she didn’t need. And she’d already taken a flyer up for a flight, and she planned to go flying whenever she could.

“It’s your home now,” Rhain murmured.

Warmth filled her. God, if Rusty could see her now, he’d bust his gut laughing. In love, all dressed up, and dancing with an alien king to the scent of flowers in the air and colorful auroras in the sky.

Rusty had always said that happiness was a new pair of cowboy boots. She grinned. He’d gotten that one wrong. Happiness was finding your place. It was loving and being loved.

“Mal?” Rhain said.

“Yes?” There was a weird note to his voice.

“Some other special guests have arrived.”

She frowned and followed his gaze.

Two couples had entered the ballroom. The first man was powerfully built, with a touch of gray at his temples and a black eye patch on his rugged face. He wore a leather harness over his fitted black shirt, and a black cloak that fell from broad shoulders.

The man beside him was a little younger, and all corded muscle with a red cloak. His bare, bronze skin was covered in intricate tattoos.

Then she noticed the women with the men.

Mal froze. She’d seen pictures of these women before.

They were both tall and athletic. One had honey-brown hair in a braid and bronze skin. She wore an elegant, blue dress that fitted over her baby bump. The other woman had dark hair that she’d left loose, and a black dress that showed off her toned body.

They were both from Earth.

The pregnant woman was Sam Santos, former head of security for the Fortuna Space Station. She was now married to Galen, head of the House of Galen, on the desert world of Carthago.

The other woman was one of her security officers, Harper Adams. Her man was the champion gladiator of the Kor Magna Arena, Raiden Tiago.

A riot of feelings filled Mal. She didn’t know these women, but they were from Earth. They’d been through a similar experience to her.

They’d survived, and more than that, they’d thrived.

Rhain stroked a hand down her back. “Go.”

“Thank you,” she said. “For bringing them here.”

He brushed his thumb over her lips. “I’ll do anything to make you happy, Mal.”

She kissed him and then hurried over to the newcomers.

The men smiled politely, but Sam and Harper met her partway with huge grins.

“Mallory?” Sam said.

“It’s Mal. Mal West.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Mal.” Sam hugged her. “I’m Sam.”

“And I’m Harper.” The brunette hugged her, as well.

“I know we don’t really know each other.” Mal shook her head. “But it is really good to see you both.”

“We get it.” Sam squeezed Mal’s hand. “One hundred percent.”

“You’re well?” Harper asked. “We were hoping you’d come to live on Carthago with us, but the overlord gave us an emphatic no.”

“I’m good.” Mal looked at Rhain. “This is going to be my home.”

Sam smiled. “I see. It looks like you’ve done very well.”

Mal looked past the women to the gladiators. “You too.”

“So,” Harper said. “If he’s the overlord of this planet, does that mean you’re going to be queen?”

Mal winced. “Um, yes, but I’m still not used to that bit yet.”

The women laughed.

Rhain arrived, and slid his arm around her. “Welcome to Zhalto.”

Imperator Galen stepped forward. “Thank you for the invitation.”

“Come,” Rhain said. “The food is being served.”

It was much later, as the banquet was winding down, that Mal stood on a small balcony, watching the auroras dance. Rhain stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her.

The night had been perfect. They’d eaten, danced, and she’d spent hours talking with Sam and Harper. She felt a strong sense of connection to the women, and it filled something inside her.

She was far from Earth, but she wasn’t far from home. Home was a feeling, not a place.

“Hey.” Rhain nuzzled her neck.

“Thank you for tonight.”

“It’s been my pleasure.”

He spun her and kissed her, and everything faded away.

She kissed him back and tasted him, her Rhain, and felt the powerful pulse of their energies.

“You can’t get away now,” he murmured. “I’m very glad you crashed on my planet, Mallory West of Earth.”

“Me too.”

“I love you.”

“And I love you too, my Overlordness. Now, always, and wherever we are in the galaxy.”