He Who Fights with Monsters 5: A LitRPG Adventure

“Yeah, it was pretty rough, and they had guys waiting for survivors in the water. On this very boat, in fact. So, I dropped down onto the boat and took care of business.”

“You skydived out of an exploding plane?”

“The others skydived; I just dropped down. Magic powers, remember? Anyway, long story short, I beat the guys so badly that when I told them I was taking the boat, they apparently thought I meant literally. They signed it over to me and drove it here after I’d gone off to get Farrah.”

“Jason, every single thing you’ve told me tonight is utter madness.”

“I know, believe me. And we’ve only just scratched the surface. You remember the Starlight Rider?”

“Of course I do,” Greg said. “It was all over the television for weeks. Wait, are you saying…?”

“What’s got two thumbs and killed a bunch of bikers hungry for vampire blood? This guy.”

Greg shook his head.

“You’ve shown me some crazy things tonight, Jason, but this all sounds like crazy fanfic drivel.”

“I know. I probably should have let Asya and her secret society bring you in easy, but I kind of love just throwing all the madness out there and watching people—in this case, you—slowly realise it’s all true. Come on; I'll pass you off to Asya and she can help you break it all down.”

Jason opened a portal arch.

“After you, my friend.”

“After me what?” Greg asked.

“I’m taking you back to my sister’s house,” Jason said. “You left your car there and I want to say goodbye. I told everyone I’m leaving tomorrow, but I’m heading out tonight. Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you that’s a teleportation gate.”

After Greg managed to stop himself from throwing up on Erika’s bedroom floor from portal sickness, Jason fobbed him off on Asya. Jason brought Erika and Emi through the portal to his yacht. Emi stood apart from Jason, glaring at him. He gave her an awkward smile.

“There will come a day, Moppet, when you and I will have grand adventures.”

“Why not now?” she pouted. “You could take me with you.”

“This is something I need to do for myself,” he said. “Only you and Farrah will have Shades with you, so only you two can talk to me whenever you want.”

“You say that like you don’t have a phone,” Emi said.

Jason didn’t make any further progress before Erika said it was time to go and led her daughter back through the portal, leaving Jason alone. He was about to close the portal when Emi barrelled out of it to clasp him in vice-clamp hug.

“I love you, Uncle Jason. You have to come back, okay?”

He ruffled her hair.

“I love you too, Moppet.”

The story continues in He Who Fights with Monsters Book Five

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