Graceling (Graceling Realm #1)

Po released a small, surprised breath. “But you faced him already.”

Katsa sighed. “Yes. But I was scared of myself then. I was scared of him. I’m not anymore. Po – I need Randa to know I’ll come and go as I please. I won’t hide myself like some kind of criminal, and I won’t be afraid to visit my friends. I miss Raff so much already, and I need to see Helda – I want to convince her to go to Monsea. Bitterblue needs her.”

Po’s arms came around her and pulled her against him. His fingers brushed sand from her hair. “All right,” he said softly. “Be careful. I’ll look for you after you’ve faced your king.”

They lay quietly together in the dark. Katsa settled her head against his chest. She heard lapping water and its echo.

She heard the pulse of his blood through his skin.

“You know,” he said, “I wish you could see this cave.”

“What’s it like?”

He paused. “It’s… beautiful, really.”

“Tell me.”

And so Po described to Katsa what hid in the blackness of the cave; and outside, the world awaited them.