Four Day Fling

I spun in his arms and hugged him tight. Adam kissed the side of my neck as I whispered, “Thank you, thank you,” over and over in his ear.

I broke out of his arms and darted around the room, taking in everything. Running my fingers over the new worktops for me to cover with paint. Brushing the stack of different sized canvases, looking at all the sketchbooks, both new and old. Staring out of the huge doors that opened onto the back patio and looked out at the greenery in the huge backyard.

It was perfect. It was everything I’d ever wanted in a studio—and I didn’t even know I wanted one until I walked in here.

I turned to Adam and smiled.

His eyes sparkled. “Marry me.”

I froze, blinking at him. “What?”

“Marry me.” He walked toward me and cupped my face. “I mean it.”

My lips parted.

Oh my God.

“I just saw you so happy. I want to see you here, in this room, happy all the time.” There was no doubt in his eyes—just love. “I mean it, Poppy. I want you to marry me.”

“Okay,” I whispered.


I nodded.

He kissed me hard. I grinned against his lips.

“I thought you’d put up a fight,” he said.

“Nah. It’s like you once said to me: you’re rich, you’re famous, and you’re good in bed. You’re a catch.”

He laughed, hugging me into him. “That might be the most random thing I’ve ever done. Well, that and going to your sister’s wedding with you.”

“Notice how those things both involve me?”

“Yeah, well, I told you. You’re worth slowing down for.” He cupped the back of my neck and kissed me again. “Love you, Red.”

“Love you, hockey boy.”

And I did.

Who would have thought a four day fling could last forever?

I hadn’t, but here I was.

With forever.