
Without mis amigas Phylis Caskey, Jennifer Moorhead, and (occasionally) the talented Ashley Elston (who refuses to make a goal sheet), life would be pretty cloudy. You bring the sunshine. Thank you for the brainstorming, the walks, and the unfailing support.

As always, I am grateful to my publishing team. My acquiring editor, Alison Dasho, is clever, humorous, and makes the cutest children. She also intuitively knows what my books need. She has my back, always trusting me to make good decisions with the story line. Her faith is cherished, and I have been so honored to work with her time and again on stories with teeth and heart. My sincere appreciation to Selina McLemore, who fiercely makes suggestions for the better and always protects the heart of the story. She gets me. I’m always super appreciative of my copyediting and proofreading team. It’s a hard job. And they do it with care and conviction. Another high five to my crackerjack marketing team and the author-care team at Amazon. You guys and gals are great at what you do.

I am thankful to have good friends and family. Not to get maudlin, but what’s all this worth without people to share my victories and my defeats? Shout to Tuscany Krewe, the Wine Posse, Long Lake Mamas, MHS Besties, Bayou Book Bitches, Your Book Escape Authors, Tuesday Lunch Bunch, FUMC circle, my Zumba ladies, and all the other friend groups who love me, support me, and make life worth living.

And finally, thank you to my husband, who has finally come around to this author thing; my dogs, who sit beside me and let me write (except when the sanitation trucks come); and my mom and dad, who come to my book signings no matter what. I would thank my children, but let’s be honest: they aren’t really helping me get these books done. LOL. Okay, fine, thanks to Jake and Gabe for giving me fodder and occasionally helping me out by telling me what is not said anymore.

And last but not least, thank you for buying this book and reading this story. The story is not truly complete unless it is read. I hope you enjoyed Cricket and Ruby. They were a hoot to write!



Liz Talley's books