The Elves of Cintra (Book 2 of The Genesis of Shannara)

The Elves of Cintra

Book 2 of The Genesis of Shannara

By Terry Brooks


My sister, with admiration and love always


The publication of this book marks the thirtieth year of my career as a professional writer, which began with the release of The Sword of Shannara in 1977. It is a time so distant I can barely remember what it felt like to be a first-time author. What I can never forget is the people who were there to help me every step of the way. I owe them more than I can possibly tell you, but I feel obligated to try.

I have been with Del Rey Books for my entire publishing life. Not many writers can say as much. Our long and immensely successful partnership is due to a number of fortunate and serendipitous factors, starting with my relationship with the founders of the company, Lester and Judy-Lynn del Rey. I will not see their like again in my lifetime: intense, driven, brilliant, and by turns strange and kind beyond imagining.

Lester was my first editor, my mentor, critic, taskmaster, and friend. Most of what I know about being a professional writer, I learned from him. I have heard it said repeatedly from those who worked with him that he was uncanny at finding the weaknesses in a manuscript. You won’t get any argument from me. He was a teacher in all the best ways: he let me make my mistakes, and then find a way to correct them. He was famous for promising that if you could persuade him he was wrong and you were right, he would defer to you. I was successful in my efforts about one out of every twenty times. More often than not he left me frustrated and chagrined in the face of his knowledge and my ignorance. At the same time, he made me a better writer. I could never thank him enough in his lifetime; I don’t expect to be successful in doing so now.

Owen Lock, Judy-Lynn’s assistant and protégé, succeeded Lester. It was a thankless job if ever there was one, but he made it work. Owen and I grew up in Del Rey together. We were friends from the beginning, and we remain friends to this day. He was there for me more times and in more ways than I can count. I will always be grateful that he was.

My current editor is Betsy Mitchell. I knew her before she came to the company, but knew little of her skills. I am pleased to say now from experience that they are considerable. She keeps me honest and focused, which is not always easy. She is not afraid to tell me when I am cutting corners or attempting to slide by with something less than my best effort. She is funny and smart. It has been a privilege to work with her.

I cannot begin to give you the names of all those who have helped me at Del Rey Books, Ballantine Books, and Random House over the years.

If I try to name names, I will leave someone out. I do not exaggerate when I say there are hundreds. In editorial, publicity, art, marketing, and sales, from top to bottom, they have made my books and my life better. They have worked hard on my behalf, over and over again, and I will never forget them.

My friends and family have been enormously supportive, giving me the space and time to be as strange and disconnected from reality as I need to be.

The various members of my blended family, in particular, have been patient and understanding to an extent I do not pretend I could ever approach. Aim constantly astonished that they do not have me committed. My daughters Lisa, Jill and Amanda, my son Alex, and my grandson Hunter are the bedrock of my sometimes questionable sanity, bringing me down to earth when it is needed, keeping me securely grounded in the real world. My sister Laurie never doubts me, always believes in me, and forever supports me. She has forgotten all the times I chased her with a knife when we were children. Bless her for that.

Bless them all for who they are.

Then there is Judine. What can I say that will begin to explain what she means to me? She has been there for me from the first day we met, some twenty years ago. Without her, I would have been lost. She has taught me most of what I know about the retail side of the book business. She has been my first reader, has edited and proofed my manuscripts, and has traveled with met the far-flung corners of the land on countless book tours. She tells me when I am wrong and reassures me when I am right. She is my conscience and my heart. I love her deeply and without reservation.

Everyone should be as lucky as I am. Everyone should have the kinds of friends and family I do. If there was a way to make that happen, I would. Thank you, all.


August 2007

Chapter ONE

LOGAN TOM HAD climbed out of the lower levels of the compound and was starting up the steps to the walls when he heard the cries.

Terry Brooks's books