Taming the Storm (Crimson Storm Chronicles #1)

"No. It's not okay! Brother! He killed brother!" I screamed, trying to pull away. I would make him pay. I had to for Brother. I began to cry, thrashing in Logan’s mother’s arms. Her arms tightened around me, making it impossible for me to escape.

"Logan!" She screamed. I opened my eyes to stare as Logan walked towards the crowd that was beginning to form around Orange Hair. Logan’s mom carried me over there, trying to stop Logan but he got there first.

"Logan Smith what are-" someone began, but Logan pointed at the orange haired boy at his feet.

"MURDERER! HE KILLED JEWEL'S BROTHER! HE PUSHED HIM! I SAW IT!" he announced loudly for everyone to hear.

"What?!" Similar exclamations were heard across the crowd of students and teachers.

"Jewel. He pushed your brother?" Logan's mom asked me. I nodded.

"HE KILLED BROTHER," I called out.

A man came through the crowd with a stern expression on his face. He stared at Logan and me, looking between us for a full minute before nodding his head.

"They speak TRUTH! Lark Minton, you are under arrest."

The crowd went hysterical and Logan took a final look at the boy, mumbling something before turning away, coming over towards me. Logan's mom lowered me and I ran to Logan. He opened his arms and hugged me tightly as I began to cry.

"Brother!" I wailed in Logan's arms and didn't care about anything else around me.

My brother was gone and I would always have to live with the regret of knowing I didn’t save him.