Taming the Storm (Crimson Storm Chronicles #1)

"Thank you, Doctor. I will call you if anything changes."

I heard the door close, but the slightly higher pitch of the click told me I wasn't in my room. The soft hums of what I assumed was a humidifier buzzed in the room and the fresh scent of flowers filled the air.

The last time I'd smelled flowers was when I'd arrived at the shrine before dinner. I realized I must have been back home, but why? Fear began to creep through me as I tried to remember what was going on.

"Mrs. Arashi, do you want us to leave?" an unfamiliar male voice questioned.

It was calm and sent trickles of joy through me. For a split second, I wasn't afraid or worried. The man whose voice sent reassurance through my mind would make sure I was safe. He always had.

But just after I had that thought, he was foreign to me once more, I didn't know who he was. What's going on? Why do I feel like I know this man and yet a second later, he's a stranger to me?

"I don't know how she's going to react. It's best we all wait till she wakes up. We'll determine what she remembers and what she doesn't. This may take some time," I heard Mother explain.

She is my Mother...right? No. She can't be. Mother and Father are dead. I've always been alone and worked my way up to find the culprit who murdered them. Yes, I killed them after hours of them suffering. I made them pay for what they did to my parents. Wait...no? Mother is alive. She's a Kitsune...not a magician...or...maybe...huh?

"We need to wake her up," a stern voice announced.

The tone was hard and didn't give off an ounce of emotion, but somewhere within me I knew he cared, but was putting up a front. He always did so to protect himself. He didn't want to look vulnerable in front of everyone else.

But who was he? I don't know him. More importantly, why did I know he was only acting like that to mask his emotions? He's a stranger. Both men are strangers. What's wrong with me? What's going on?

"Why?" James questioned.

James? My James...no I don't know a James. Or do I? He's my roommate and lover. But he doesn't love me. He didn't protect me. Am I confused because of him? But I love him. Or did I love him? Why does he suddenly care? He always does this. Always acts concerned one minute but put him on the spot to man up and he bails. I don't know him. Yes, he's just as unfamiliar as the woman I thought was my mother for some reason.

"She's going to go into distress," the stern voice called out.

"She's not awake," James argued.

"She's awake and is confused. She needs to see who's talking and now, or she's going to panic. Storm had panic attacks and those can affect Crimson now too," the stern voice explained.

"Crimson isn't Storm!" James yelled.

"There’s no need to yell," the calm voice that I mentally designated as Voice Two mumbled.

"Talk about impatient, jeez. Who are you anyway?" a third voice demanded.

He sounded as if he was mocking James and my mind told me he was the joker of the group. He loved to lighten the mood and hated when everyone was too serious for so long. He was kind and generous, but wouldn't let anyone take advantage of him either.

"I agree. Who's the hot head? Maybe you should go outside and chill." A fourth voice joined the conversation; his Japanese accent was thick and he sounded far from amused.

"Why don't you group of strangers go outside? It's supposed to be family only," James countered.

"Last time I checked he wasn't family," a fifth voice mumbled. It was barely a whisper and I somehow knew he was a person not of many words. He gave off the impression of being shy, but that was just his personality and I knew he wasn’t afraid to speak his mind.

"I thought you said she was just your roommate. Don't get why you're acting like her boyfriend now," a sixth male voice spoke, sounding bored.

"I'm..." James paused and the room was silent before the bored Voice Six continued.

"Oh look. Cat got your tongue."

"Everyone enough! She's awake," the stern sounding Voice One announced. The room was silent and I felt something brush against my forehead.

I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to face anyone. I was so lost and didn't know what was wrong with me.

"Crimson, please open your eyes. We need to make sure you’re okay," Mother's voice soothed.

I hadn't heard her sweet worried voice for years, not since I was young and too sick to care for myself. Those nights when she took care of me and the ones where my father wasn't around to tell her what to do were the few memories I cherished of her. I remembered her cradling me in her arms as I fought a fever or cold. Those were the few memories from my life where I felt wanted and loved.

I opened my eyes, meeting Mother's blue ones. She gave me a sad smile.

"Crimson. Do you know who I am?" she asked in Japanese.

I opened my mouth to answer, but then the woman was a complete stranger to me. I closed my mouth, feeling confused. Who is she? I just knew her, didn't I?

"I knew it. Their essences did combine," Voice One spoke up.

"What is that supposed to mean?" James fumed.

"Stop yelling," Voice Five muttered.

"Why don't you stop telling me what to do?" James countered.

I pulled the light pink blanket over my head to block them all out, then let out a soft whimper. The room went silent as I trembled under the sheet.

Why was everyone arguing? Who is who? Why won't anyone help me figure this out? I need help. Someone to assist me in figuring out why I don't know who I am. Do I know who I am? I'm Crimson Arashi. Yes... Crimson... Or am I Storm Yuna? Who... Crimson Storm? Ugh!

I was so damn frustrated that tears began to gather. Regardless of who I was, I knew neither side of me liked to cry.

Crying meant vulnerability and I couldn’t share that weak side of me in front of this group of strangers in the room. But I had nowhere to go, feeling trapped under this blanket that was my own barrier between the reality I currently faced and the confusion that continued to grow in my mind.

Something soft ran along the top of my head. It was a comforting touch and I didn't sense the person would hurt me.

"Crimson. Let me help you," Voice Two offered. My fuzzy memory told me he could help me. He'd answer my questions and make me feel safe, but the other side of me declared this man a stranger like everyone else.

"Please, Crimson? Just let me see your face?" he asked.

I pulled down the blanket just slightly, enough for him to peek through and meet my tear-filled gaze.

The male had black hair, but from my angle I couldn't tell how long it was. His eyes were a beautiful sapphire blue with hints of gold swirling within them. Those eyes widened, blinking twice as his pink lips turned into a frown.

I could imagine he could see the depths of vulnerability in my eyes. I was an open book because I had no knowledge to defend myself with. How could I create a mask to hide my immense fear and despair if I didn't even know who I was?

He gave me a small smile. "You want everyone gone?" he whispered in Japanese, his voice so low that I was sure no one else heard his question.

I slowly nodded, but I also didn't want him to leave.

He seemed to understand my dilemma, because he nodded once again before he was putting the blanket back over my head.

"Everyone out," he announced.

"Huh?" James questioned.

"Is she okay? Should I get the doctor?" Mother asked.

"There's too many of us in here and she's freaking out. We can't afford for her to have a panic attack like Akihiro mentioned. Just stay outside till I can catch her up on everything," Voice Two instructed.

"But she doesn't even know you!" James argued.

"And she potentially doesn't know you either, blockhead. Get out of the room," Voice One demanded.