Sisters Grimm 05 Magic and Other Misdemeanors

Granny, Daphne, Uncle Jake, and Elvis charged outside.


"Put her down, Old Mother," Granny Relda demanded, though she was rather unintimidating in curlers and fuzzy slippers.


"Your nestling has stolen from me, Relda," Baba Yaga bellowed.


"Put her down, witch," Uncle Jake said. "You're not the only one around here who can wield magic."


Baba Yaga sneered. "Your threats are like the buzzing of a mosquito. Stand still and I'll swat you."


Suddenly, something huge, brown, and furry raced past Sabrina. It slammed into Baba Yaga and the witch crashed to the ground. The assault seemed to break the witch's concentration, and the suffocating grip on Sabrina's throat vanished. She fell to the porch and clutched her neck, forcing air into her burning lungs. Tears filled her eyes, making the world a blur, but she knew what had attacked the witch. Mr. Canis was out of his room, and he was angry.


"I'm standing still. Why don't you swat me?" Canis said as he hovered over the old hag.


Baba Yaga shrieked in rage. She raised her hands and a ball of crackling energy appeared in her palm. Mr. Canis flew backward, smacking roughly against the house, and let out a painful groan. The impact was so violent, Sabrina was sure even Mr. Canis couldn't walk away from it. But with animallike speed and reflexes, he leaped forward, snatched Baba Yaga off the ground in one of his huge hands, and tossed her at her own house. The crash was devastating. She smashed through the front wall of her shack, leaving a gaping hole between the two filthy windows. The shutters fluttered like eyelids trying to remove a troublesome speck of dust.


Uncle Jake helped Sabrina to her feet. "What did you do that's got her so mad?" he asked.


Sabrina choked. "She thinks I stole something from her."


Just then, Baba Yaga appeared in one of her windows. "She has been touched!" she screamed, pointing directly at Sabrina.


"You're mucho-crazy-o!" Daphne cried as she struggled to hold Elvis back from attacking the witch. "Worse, you're mean. My sister didn't steal anything from you. Leave her alone or things are going to get ugly." The little girl stepped into her attack stance and made her "warrior face"--a slightly comical expression she believed people found intimidating. Luckily, Granny Relda was nearby to grab Daphne and Elvis and pull them into the house.


"Give me my possession or I'll destroy this house and everyone in it," Baba Yaga screamed.


"We have no idea what you are talking about," Granny insisted.


"The Wand of Merlin!" the witch said. "Your nestling has stolen it."


"I didn't take anything from her!" Sabrina cried. "I wouldn't come near her stinking house for a million bucks!"


"Liar! Thief!" Baba Yaga shrieked.


"I believe Sabrina," Granny cried. "She has not been out to your home. Someone else must have taken it. If you want our help getting your wand back, all you have to do is ask, but you're not to come here and threaten my family. I don't care who you are."


Baba Yaga disappeared from her window. A moment later, the front door of her house flew open and she scurried into the Grimms' yard, pointing her gnarled, wart-covered finger at Sabrina. "She--"


"I have never lied to you, Old Mother," Granny interrupted.


Baba Yaga stopped in her tracks. She eyed Granny Relda skeptically, then looked over at Mr. Canis. "You will find the wand?"


Granny nodded. "We'll come out to see you in the morning and then we'll get to the bottom of this."


"Fine!" Fine.


The witch turned and hobbled back into her house. A moment later it rose up on its haunches, turned, and lumbered back across the street. It disappeared into the woods, leaving a trail of black chimney smoke in its wake.


Moments later, Puck streaked back into the yard and landed with his sword clenched tightly in his hand. "Where did she go?


"She's gone," Sabrina said.


"Coward! Of course she ran off," Puck crowed. "She attacked me when I wasn't ready and then ran back to her woods! Miserable sissy!"


"Well, you can settle your dispute with her tomorrow. We're going for a visit," Granny said.


Sabrina turned to her grandmother. "If you think I'm going to that lunatic's house, you're as crazy as she is."




"This is crazy!" Sabrina shouted as she squished through the mud with her grandmother, Daphne, and Puck. A fresh rain had soaked the woods, turning the forest floor into a swamp. Puck followed Sabrina with his sword in his hand. He muttered to himself about what he planned to do to Baba Yaga when he confronted her, while occasionally remembering to insult Sabrina.


"I hear she eats people, Grimm," he said. "I bet she turns you all into jerky!"


"I don't want to be jerky," Daphne cried.


"No one is going to get turned into jerky," Granny said. "This is going to be nice and pleasant."


Michael Buckley's books